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windbg - 콜 스택의 "Call Site" 오프셋 값이 가리키는 위치

보통 call stack을 k 명령어로 보게 됩니다.

0:079> k
 # Child-SP          RetAddr           Call Site
00 00000068`1e34e0e0 00007ffa`1fba4ca5 clr!AwareLock::Contention+0x169
01 00000068`1e34e1c0 00007ff9`c0f8a6ed clr!JITutil_MonContention+0xc5
02 00000068`1e34e350 00007ff9`c0c3627b 0x00007ff9`c0f8a6ed
03 00000068`1e34e3b0 00007ff9`c0eb2b25 0x00007ff9`c0c3627b
06 00000068`1e34e490 00007ff9`c0ea8230 0x00007ff9`c0ea895d
23 00000068`1e34f690 00007ffa`1fa07b8c clr!UnManagedPerAppDomainTPCount::DispatchWorkItem+0x1b6
24 00000068`1e34f730 00007ffa`1fa078b5 clr!ThreadpoolMgr::ExecuteWorkRequest+0x64
25 00000068`1e34f760 00007ffa`1fa2b03f clr!ThreadpoolMgr::WorkerThreadStart+0xf5
26 00000068`1e34f800 00007ffa`2b0f13d2 clr!Thread::intermediateThreadProc+0x86
27 00000068`1e34fbc0 00007ffa`2d8754e4 kernel32!BaseThreadInitThunk+0x22
28 00000068`1e34fbf0 00000000`00000000 ntdll!RtlUserThreadStart+0x34

출력을 보면 "clr!AwareLock::Contention+0x169" 이 나오는데 이 위치를 찾기 위해 u(nassemble) 명령어를 이렇게 내릴 수 있습니다.

0:079> u clr!AwareLock::Contention
00007ffa`1fba4dd4 55              push    rbp
00007ffa`1fba4dd5 53              push    rbx
00007ffa`1fba4dd6 56              push    rsi
00007ffa`1fba4dd7 57              push    rdi
00007ffa`1fba4dd8 4154            push    r12
00007ffa`1fba4dda 4155            push    r13
00007ffa`1fba4ddc 4156            push    r14
00007ffa`1fba4dde 4157            push    r15

시작 주소로 00007ffa`1fba4dd4 값을 얻었으니 이제 0x169 위치의 코드를 얻어낼 수 있습니다.

0:079> ? 00007ffa`1fba4dd4 + 0x169
Evaluate expression: 140712250855229 = 00007ffa`1fba4f3d

0:079> u clr!AwareLock::Contention L60
00007ffa`1fba4f18 0f8f7efeffff    jg      clr!AwareLock::Contention+0x172 (00007ffa`1fba4d9c)
00007ffa`1fba4f1e 8b7d67          mov     edi,dword ptr [rbp+67h]
00007ffa`1fba4f21 440faf35e7907900 imul    r14d,dword ptr [clr!g_SpinConstants+0x8 (00007ffa`2033e010)]
00007ffa`1fba4f29 443b35dc907900  cmp     r14d,dword ptr [clr!g_SpinConstants+0x4 (00007ffa`2033e00c)]
00007ffa`1fba4f30 729a            jb      clr!AwareLock::Contention+0x11b (00007ffa`1fba4ecc)
00007ffa`1fba4f32 eb01            jmp     clr!AwareLock::Contention+0x1ec (00007ffa`1fba4f35)
00007ffa`1fba4f34 cc              int     3
00007ffa`1fba4f35 448a756f        mov     r14b,byte ptr [rbp+6Fh]
00007ffa`1fba4f39 488d4dc7        lea     rcx,[rbp-39h]
00007ffa`1fba4f3d e80203e6ff      call    clr!GCCoop::GCCoop (00007ffa`1fa05244)
00007ffa`1fba4f42 90              nop

그런데, 뭔가 이상합니다. 그냥 ^^; 직감적으로 좀 이상합니다. 그래서 현재 레지스터 정보를 봤더니 RIP 값과 출력된 00007ffa`1fba4f3d의 값이 맞지 않을 뿐더러 출력된 명령어도 위의 위치와는 다른 00007ffa`1fba4f13 지점을 가리키고 있습니다.

0:079> r
rax=000000000000139f rbx=000000681af60ba0 rcx=0000000001029220
rdx=0000000000000000 rsi=000000000001f432 rdi=0000000000000000
rip=00007ffa1fba4f13 rsp=000000681e34e0e0 rbp=000000681e34e159
 r8=0000000000000001  r9=0000000000000000 r10=00000000000f0456
r11=000000681af60ba0 r12=000000681af60b00 r13=00000000ffffffff
r14=0000000000050172 r15=0000006820185fa8
iopl=0         nv up ei pl nz ac po nc
cs=0033  ss=002b  ds=002b  es=002b  fs=0053  gs=002b             efl=00000216
00007ffa`1fba4f13 ebf7            jmp     clr!AwareLock::Contention+0x169 (00007ffa`1fba4f0c)

저도 정확히 해석은 안되지만 이런 경우 아마 컴파일러의 최적화로 인해 이런 식의 결과가 나온 듯합니다. 그래서 이럴 때는 "u" 명령어 보다는 함수 전체를 역어셈블 해주는 "uf" 명령어가 더 낫습니다. 그럼 다음과 같은 식으로 결과를 보여주고,

0:079> uf clr!AwareLock::Contention
00007ffa`1fba4d9c 418b07          mov     eax,dword ptr [r15]
00007ffa`1fba4d9f a9feffffff      test    eax,0FFFFFFFEh
00007ffa`1fba4da4 0f8e53010000    jle     clr!AwareLock::Contention+0x159 (00007ffa`1fba4efd)  Branch

00007ffa`1fba4daa f6059792790002  test    byte ptr [clr!g_fHostConfig (00007ffa`2033e048)],2
00007ffa`1fba4db1 0f85df373000    jne     clr!AwareLock::Contention+0x185 (00007ffa`1fea8596)  Branch

00007ffa`1fba4db7 488b3d9a937900  mov     rdi,qword ptr [clr!CorHost2::m_HostTaskManager (00007ffa`2033e158)]
00007ffa`1fba4dbe 4885ff          test    rdi,rdi
00007ffa`1fba4dc1 0f85f4373000    jne     clr!AwareLock::Contention+0x1a8 (00007ffa`1fea85bb)  Branch

00007ffa`1fba4dc7 ff15f3685600    call    qword ptr [clr!_imp_SwitchToThread (00007ffa`2010b6c0)]
00007ffa`1fba4dcd e92b010000      jmp     clr!AwareLock::Contention+0x159 (00007ffa`1fba4efd)  Branch

00007ffa`1fba4dd4 55              push    rbp
00007ffa`1fba4dd5 53              push    rbx
00007ffa`1fba4dd6 56              push    rsi
00007ffa`1fba4dd7 57              push    rdi
00007ffa`1fba4dd8 4154            push    r12
00007ffa`1fba4dda 4155            push    r13
00007ffa`1fba4ddc 4156            push    r14
00007ffa`1fba4dde 4157            push    r15
00007ffa`1fba4de0 488d6c24e1      lea     rbp,[rsp-1Fh]
00007ffa`1fba4de5 4881ec98000000  sub     rsp,98h
00007ffa`1fba4dec 48c745affeffffff mov     qword ptr [rbp-51h],0FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFEh
00007ffa`1fba4df4 448bea          mov     r13d,edx
00007ffa`1fba4df7 4c8bf9          mov     r15,rcx
00007ffa`1fba4dfa 33ff            xor     edi,edi
00007ffa`1fba4dfc 897d67          mov     dword ptr [rbp+67h],edi
00007ffa`1fba4dff 83faff          cmp     edx,0FFFFFFFFh
00007ffa`1fba4e02 0f8521373000    jne     clr!AwareLock::Contention+0x31 (00007ffa`1fea8529)  Branch

00007ffa`1fba4e08 4c8b05019b7900  mov     r8,qword ptr [clr!PerfCounters::m_pPrivatePerf (00007ffa`2033e910)]
00007ffa`1fba4e0f 41ff8028010000  inc     dword ptr [r8+128h]
00007ffa`1fba4e16 f7052093790000000100 test dword ptr [clr!Microsoft_Windows_DotNETRuntimeEnableBits (00007ffa`2033e140)],10000h
00007ffa`1fba4e20 0f8514373000    jne     clr!AwareLock::Contention+0x56 (00007ffa`1fea853a)  Branch

00007ffa`1fba4e26 e875f0e5ff      call    clr!GetThread (00007ffa`1fa03ea0)
00007ffa`1fba4e2b 488945a7        mov     qword ptr [rbp-59h],rax
00007ffa`1fba4e2f 418b5714        mov     edx,dword ptr [r15+14h]
00007ffa`1fba4e33 0fbaf21f        btr     edx,1Fh
00007ffa`1fba4e37 4803d2          add     rdx,rdx
00007ffa`1fba4e3a 488b0def947900  mov     rcx,qword ptr [clr!g_pSyncTable (00007ffa`2033e330)]
00007ffa`1fba4e41 488b4cd108      mov     rcx,qword ptr [rcx+rdx*8+8]
00007ffa`1fba4e46 48894d7f        mov     qword ptr [rbp+7Fh],rcx
00007ffa`1fba4e4a 4532e4          xor     r12b,r12b
00007ffa`1fba4e4d 41b601          mov     r14b,1
00007ffa`1fba4e50 4488756f        mov     byte ptr [rbp+6Fh],r14b
00007ffa`1fba4e54 f041ff4710      lock inc dword ptr [r15+10h]
00007ffa`1fba4e59 4533c9          xor     r9d,r9d
00007ffa`1fba4e5c 458d4101        lea     r8d,[r9+1]
00007ffa`1fba4e60 488d557f        lea     rdx,[rbp+7Fh]
00007ffa`1fba4e64 488d4dd7        lea     rcx,[rbp-29h]
00007ffa`1fba4e68 e81b0ae6ff      call    clr!FrameWithCookie<GCFrame>::FrameWithCookie<GCFrame> (00007ffa`1fa05888)
00007ffa`1fba4e6d e82ef0e5ff      call    clr!GetThread (00007ffa`1fa03ea0)
00007ffa`1fba4e72 488bd8          mov     rbx,rax
00007ffa`1fba4e75 488945b7        mov     qword ptr [rbp-49h],rax
00007ffa`1fba4e79 4885c0          test    rax,rax
00007ffa`1fba4e7c 0f84ec363000    je      clr!AwareLock::Contention+0xf6 (00007ffa`1fea856e)  Branch

00007ffa`1fba4e82 8b480c          mov     ecx,dword ptr [rax+0Ch]
00007ffa`1fba4e85 894dbf          mov     dword ptr [rbp-41h],ecx
00007ffa`1fba4e88 85c9            test    ecx,ecx
00007ffa`1fba4e8a 0f84d5363000    je      clr!AwareLock::Contention+0xf0 (00007ffa`1fea8565)  Branch

00007ffa`1fba4e90 c7400c00000000  mov     dword ptr [rax+0Ch],0
00007ffa`1fba4e97 488b45b7        mov     rax,qword ptr [rbp-49h]
00007ffa`1fba4e9b 8b4808          mov     ecx,dword ptr [rax+8]
00007ffa`1fba4e9e 488b5db7        mov     rbx,qword ptr [rbp-49h]
00007ffa`1fba4ea2 f6c15f          test    cl,5Fh
00007ffa`1fba4ea5 0f85ad363000    jne     clr!AwareLock::Contention+0xe6 (00007ffa`1fea8558)  Branch

00007ffa`1fba4eab 83657700        and     dword ptr [rbp+77h],0
00007ffa`1fba4eaf 833d5e91790000  cmp     dword ptr [clr!g_SpinConstants+0xc (00007ffa`2033e014)],0
00007ffa`1fba4eb6 0f8600010000    jbe     clr!AwareLock::Contention+0x2be (00007ffa`1fba4fbc)  Branch

00007ffa`1fba4ebc 4584f6          test    r14b,r14b
00007ffa`1fba4ebf 0f84f3000000    je      clr!AwareLock::Contention+0x2ba (00007ffa`1fba4fb8)  Branch

00007ffa`1fba4ec5 448b353c917900  mov     r14d,dword ptr [clr!g_SpinConstants (00007ffa`2033e008)]

00007ffa`1fba4ecc 33d2            xor     edx,edx
00007ffa`1fba4ece 498bcf          mov     rcx,r15
00007ffa`1fba4ed1 e866feffff      call    clr!AwareLock::TryEnter (00007ffa`1fba4d3c)
00007ffa`1fba4ed6 85c0            test    eax,eax
00007ffa`1fba4ed8 0f8545010000    jne     clr!AwareLock::Contention+0x2b7 (00007ffa`1fba5023)  Branch

00007ffa`1fba4ede 833dd392790001  cmp     dword ptr [clr!g_SystemInfo+0x20 (00007ffa`2033e1b8)],1
00007ffa`1fba4ee5 0f869e363000    jbe     clr!AwareLock::Contention+0x1e3 (00007ffa`1fea8589)  Branch

00007ffa`1fba4eeb 4183fdff        cmp     r13d,0FFFFFFFFh
00007ffa`1fba4eef 0f8583363000    jne     clr!AwareLock::Contention+0x140 (00007ffa`1fea8578)  Branch

00007ffa`1fba4ef5 418bf6          mov     esi,r14d
00007ffa`1fba4ef8 4585f6          test    r14d,r14d
00007ffa`1fba4efb 7e24            jle     clr!AwareLock::Contention+0x1cc (00007ffa`1fba4f21)  Branch

00007ffa`1fba4efd b8204e0000      mov     eax,4E20h
00007ffa`1fba4f02 3bf0            cmp     esi,eax
00007ffa`1fba4f04 0f4cc6          cmovl   eax,esi
00007ffa`1fba4f07 2bf0            sub     esi,eax
00007ffa`1fba4f09 eb01            jmp     clr!AwareLock::Contention+0x169 (00007ffa`1fba4f0c)  Branch

00007ffa`1fba4f0c 83e801          sub     eax,1
00007ffa`1fba4f0f 7405            je      clr!AwareLock::Contention+0x16e (00007ffa`1fba4f16)  Branch

00007ffa`1fba4f11 f390            pause
00007ffa`1fba4f13 ebf7            jmp     clr!AwareLock::Contention+0x169 (00007ffa`1fba4f0c)  Branch

00007ffa`1fba4f16 85f6            test    esi,esi
00007ffa`1fba4f18 0f8f7efeffff    jg      clr!AwareLock::Contention+0x172 (00007ffa`1fba4d9c)  Branch

00007ffa`1fba4f1e 8b7d67          mov     edi,dword ptr [rbp+67h]

00007ffa`1fba4f21 440faf35e7907900 imul    r14d,dword ptr [clr!g_SpinConstants+0x8 (00007ffa`2033e010)]
00007ffa`1fba4f29 443b35dc907900  cmp     r14d,dword ptr [clr!g_SpinConstants+0x4 (00007ffa`2033e00c)]
00007ffa`1fba4f30 729a            jb      clr!AwareLock::Contention+0x11b (00007ffa`1fba4ecc)  Branch

00007ffa`1fba4f32 eb01            jmp     clr!AwareLock::Contention+0x1ec (00007ffa`1fba4f35)  Branch

00007ffa`1fba4f35 448a756f        mov     r14b,byte ptr [rbp+6Fh]

00007ffa`1fba4f39 488d4dc7        lea     rcx,[rbp-39h]
00007ffa`1fba4f3d e80203e6ff      call    clr!GCCoop::GCCoop (00007ffa`1fa05244)
00007ffa`1fba4f42 90              nop
00007ffa`1fba4f43 33d2            xor     edx,edx
00007ffa`1fba4f45 488b4da7        mov     rcx,qword ptr [rbp-59h]
00007ffa`1fba4f49 e8b2cfffff      call    clr!Thread::HandleThreadAbort (00007ffa`1fba1f00)
00007ffa`1fba4f4e 90              nop
00007ffa`1fba4f4f 488b4dc7        mov     rcx,qword ptr [rbp-39h]
00007ffa`1fba4f53 837dcf00        cmp     dword ptr [rbp-31h],0
00007ffa`1fba4f57 8b410c          mov     eax,dword ptr [rcx+0Ch]
00007ffa`1fba4f5a 0f8578363000    jne     clr!AwareLock::Contention+0x213 (00007ffa`1fea85d8)  Branch

00007ffa`1fba4f60 85c0            test    eax,eax
00007ffa`1fba4f62 7417            je      clr!AwareLock::Contention+0x253 (00007ffa`1fba4f7b)  Branch

00007ffa`1fba4f64 c7410c00000000  mov     dword ptr [rcx+0Ch],0
00007ffa`1fba4f6b 488b45c7        mov     rax,qword ptr [rbp-39h]
00007ffa`1fba4f6f 8b4808          mov     ecx,dword ptr [rax+8]
00007ffa`1fba4f72 f6c15f          test    cl,5Fh
00007ffa`1fba4f75 0f8589363000    jne     clr!AwareLock::Contention+0x24a (00007ffa`1fea8604)  Branch

00007ffa`1fba4f7b f605c690790002  test    byte ptr [clr!g_fHostConfig (00007ffa`2033e048)],2
00007ffa`1fba4f82 0f858c363000    jne     clr!AwareLock::Contention+0x25c (00007ffa`1fea8614)  Branch

00007ffa`1fba4f88 488b3dc9917900  mov     rdi,qword ptr [clr!CorHost2::m_HostTaskManager (00007ffa`2033e158)]
00007ffa`1fba4f8f 4885ff          test    rdi,rdi
00007ffa`1fba4f92 0f85a1363000    jne     clr!AwareLock::Contention+0x27f (00007ffa`1fea8639)  Branch

00007ffa`1fba4f98 ff1522675600    call    qword ptr [clr!_imp_SwitchToThread (00007ffa`2010b6c0)]

00007ffa`1fba4f9e 8b7577          mov     esi,dword ptr [rbp+77h]
00007ffa`1fba4fa1 ffc6            inc     esi
00007ffa`1fba4fa3 897577          mov     dword ptr [rbp+77h],esi
00007ffa`1fba4fa6 3b3568907900    cmp     esi,dword ptr [clr!g_SpinConstants+0xc (00007ffa`2033e014)]
00007ffa`1fba4fac 8b7d67          mov     edi,dword ptr [rbp+67h]
00007ffa`1fba4faf 0f8207ffffff    jb      clr!AwareLock::Contention+0x10b (00007ffa`1fba4ebc)  Branch

00007ffa`1fba4fb5 eb01            jmp     clr!AwareLock::Contention+0x2ba (00007ffa`1fba4fb8)  Branch

00007ffa`1fba4fb8 488b5db7        mov     rbx,qword ptr [rbp-49h]

00007ffa`1fba4fbc 837dbf00        cmp     dword ptr [rbp-41h],0
00007ffa`1fba4fc0 0f849e363000    je      clr!AwareLock::Contention+0x2e7 (00007ffa`1fea8664)  Branch

00007ffa`1fba4fc6 8b430c          mov     eax,dword ptr [rbx+0Ch]
00007ffa`1fba4fc9 85c0            test    eax,eax
00007ffa`1fba4fcb 7515            jne     clr!AwareLock::Contention+0x30f (00007ffa`1fba4fe2)  Branch

00007ffa`1fba4fcd c7430c01000000  mov     dword ptr [rbx+0Ch],1
00007ffa`1fba4fd4 8b05ee907900    mov     eax,dword ptr [clr!g_TrapReturningThreads (00007ffa`2033e0c8)]
00007ffa`1fba4fda 85c0            test    eax,eax
00007ffa`1fba4fdc 0f8574363000    jne     clr!AwareLock::Contention+0x2dc (00007ffa`1fea8656)  Branch

00007ffa`1fba4fe2 488b4dff        mov     rcx,qword ptr [rbp-1]
00007ffa`1fba4fe6 488b45e7        mov     rax,qword ptr [rbp-19h]
00007ffa`1fba4fea 48894110        mov     qword ptr [rcx+10h],rax
00007ffa`1fba4fee f041ff4f10      lock dec dword ptr [r15+10h]
00007ffa`1fba4ff3 4584e4          test    r12b,r12b
00007ffa`1fba4ff6 0f84a3363000    je      clr!AwareLock::Contention+0x325 (00007ffa`1fea869f)  Branch

00007ffa`1fba4ffc f7053a91790000000100 test dword ptr [clr!Microsoft_Windows_DotNETRuntimeEnableBits (00007ffa`2033e140)],10000h
00007ffa`1fba5006 0f85ae363000    jne     clr!AwareLock::Contention+0x342 (00007ffa`1fea86ba)  Branch

00007ffa`1fba500c 418ac4          mov     al,r12b
00007ffa`1fba500f 4881c498000000  add     rsp,98h
00007ffa`1fba5016 415f            pop     r15
00007ffa`1fba5018 415e            pop     r14
00007ffa`1fba501a 415d            pop     r13
00007ffa`1fba501c 415c            pop     r12
00007ffa`1fba501e 5f              pop     rdi
00007ffa`1fba501f 5e              pop     rsi
00007ffa`1fba5020 5b              pop     rbx
00007ffa`1fba5021 5d              pop     rbp
00007ffa`1fba5022 c3              ret

00007ffa`1fba5023 41b401          mov     r12b,1
00007ffa`1fba5026 eb90            jmp     clr!AwareLock::Contention+0x2ba (00007ffa`1fba4fb8)  Branch

00007ffa`1fea8529 ff15712f2600    call    qword ptr [clr!_imp_GetTickCount (00007ffa`2010b4a0)]
00007ffa`1fea852f 8bf8            mov     edi,eax
00007ffa`1fea8531 894567          mov     dword ptr [rbp+67h],eax
00007ffa`1fea8534 e9cfc8cfff      jmp     clr!AwareLock::Contention+0x3c (00007ffa`1fba4e08)  Branch

00007ffa`1fea853a 440fb70d3ee74900 movzx   r9d,word ptr [clr!g_nClrInstanceId (00007ffa`20346c80)]
00007ffa`1fea8542 4533c0          xor     r8d,r8d
00007ffa`1fea8545 488d150cb82d00  lea     rdx,[clr!ContentionStart_V1 (00007ffa`20183d58)]
00007ffa`1fea854c e8db17e6ff      call    clr!CoTemplate_ch (00007ffa`1fd09d2c)
00007ffa`1fea8551 90              nop
00007ffa`1fea8552 e9cfc8cfff      jmp     clr!AwareLock::Contention+0x6d (00007ffa`1fba4e26)  Branch

00007ffa`1fea8558 488bcb          mov     rcx,rbx
00007ffa`1fea855b e824a1cfff      call    clr!Thread::RareEnablePreemptiveGC (00007ffa`1fba2684)
00007ffa`1fea8560 e946c9cfff      jmp     clr!AwareLock::Contention+0xfa (00007ffa`1fba4eab)  Branch

00007ffa`1fea8565 488b5db7        mov     rbx,qword ptr [rbp-49h]
00007ffa`1fea8569 e93dc9cfff      jmp     clr!AwareLock::Contention+0xfa (00007ffa`1fba4eab)  Branch

00007ffa`1fea856e 8365bf00        and     dword ptr [rbp-41h],0
00007ffa`1fea8572 e934c9cfff      jmp     clr!AwareLock::Contention+0xfa (00007ffa`1fba4eab)  Branch

00007ffa`1fea8578 ff15222f2600    call    qword ptr [clr!_imp_GetTickCount (00007ffa`2010b4a0)]
00007ffa`1fea857e 2bc7            sub     eax,edi
00007ffa`1fea8580 413bc5          cmp     eax,r13d
00007ffa`1fea8583 0f826cc9cfff    jb      clr!AwareLock::Contention+0x151 (00007ffa`1fba4ef5)  Branch

00007ffa`1fea8589 4532f6          xor     r14b,r14b
00007ffa`1fea858c 4488756f        mov     byte ptr [rbp+6Fh],r14b
00007ffa`1fea8590 e9a4c9cfff      jmp     clr!AwareLock::Contention+0x1f0 (00007ffa`1fba4f39)  Branch

00007ffa`1fea8596 e805b9b5ff      call    clr!GetThread (00007ffa`1fa03ea0)
00007ffa`1fea859b 4885c0          test    rax,rax
00007ffa`1fea859e 0f8413c8cfff    je      clr!AwareLock::Contention+0x19c (00007ffa`1fba4db7)  Branch

00007ffa`1fea85a4 8b4808          mov     ecx,dword ptr [rax+8]
00007ffa`1fea85a7 f6c140          test    cl,40h
00007ffa`1fea85aa 0f8407c8cfff    je      clr!AwareLock::Contention+0x19c (00007ffa`1fba4db7)  Branch

00007ffa`1fea85b0 f0836008bf      lock and dword ptr [rax+8],0FFFFFFBFh
00007ffa`1fea85b5 e9fdc7cfff      jmp     clr!AwareLock::Contention+0x19c (00007ffa`1fba4db7)  Branch

00007ffa`1fea85bb 488b07          mov     rax,qword ptr [rdi]
00007ffa`1fea85be 488b5830        mov     rbx,qword ptr [rax+30h]
00007ffa`1fea85c2 488bcb          mov     rcx,rbx
00007ffa`1fea85c5 ff150d3b2600    call    qword ptr [clr!_guard_check_icall_fptr (00007ffa`2010c0d8)]
00007ffa`1fea85cb 33d2            xor     edx,edx
00007ffa`1fea85cd 488bcf          mov     rcx,rdi
00007ffa`1fea85d0 ffd3            call    rbx
00007ffa`1fea85d2 e926c9cfff      jmp     clr!AwareLock::Contention+0x159 (00007ffa`1fba4efd)  Branch

00007ffa`1fea85d8 85c0            test    eax,eax
00007ffa`1fea85da 0f859bc9cfff    jne     clr!AwareLock::Contention+0x253 (00007ffa`1fba4f7b)  Branch

00007ffa`1fea85e0 c7410c01000000  mov     dword ptr [rcx+0Ch],1
00007ffa`1fea85e7 8b05db5a4900    mov     eax,dword ptr [clr!g_TrapReturningThreads (00007ffa`2033e0c8)]
00007ffa`1fea85ed 85c0            test    eax,eax
00007ffa`1fea85ef 0f8486c9cfff    je      clr!AwareLock::Contention+0x253 (00007ffa`1fba4f7b)  Branch

00007ffa`1fea85f5 488b4dc7        mov     rcx,qword ptr [rbp-39h]
00007ffa`1fea85f9 e8d2ffb9ff      call    clr!Thread::RareDisablePreemptiveGC (00007ffa`1fa485d0)
00007ffa`1fea85fe e978c9cfff      jmp     clr!AwareLock::Contention+0x253 (00007ffa`1fba4f7b)  Branch

00007ffa`1fea8604 488b4dc7        mov     rcx,qword ptr [rbp-39h]
00007ffa`1fea8608 e877a0cfff      call    clr!Thread::RareEnablePreemptiveGC (00007ffa`1fba2684)
00007ffa`1fea860d 90              nop
00007ffa`1fea860e e968c9cfff      jmp     clr!AwareLock::Contention+0x253 (00007ffa`1fba4f7b)  Branch

00007ffa`1fea8614 e887b8b5ff      call    clr!GetThread (00007ffa`1fa03ea0)
00007ffa`1fea8619 4885c0          test    rax,rax
00007ffa`1fea861c 0f8466c9cfff    je      clr!AwareLock::Contention+0x273 (00007ffa`1fba4f88)  Branch

00007ffa`1fea8622 8b4808          mov     ecx,dword ptr [rax+8]
00007ffa`1fea8625 f6c140          test    cl,40h
00007ffa`1fea8628 0f845ac9cfff    je      clr!AwareLock::Contention+0x273 (00007ffa`1fba4f88)  Branch

00007ffa`1fea862e f0836008bf      lock and dword ptr [rax+8],0FFFFFFBFh
00007ffa`1fea8633 e950c9cfff      jmp     clr!AwareLock::Contention+0x273 (00007ffa`1fba4f88)  Branch

00007ffa`1fea8639 488b07          mov     rax,qword ptr [rdi]
00007ffa`1fea863c 488b5830        mov     rbx,qword ptr [rax+30h]
00007ffa`1fea8640 488bcb          mov     rcx,rbx
00007ffa`1fea8643 ff158f3a2600    call    qword ptr [clr!_guard_check_icall_fptr (00007ffa`2010c0d8)]
00007ffa`1fea8649 33d2            xor     edx,edx
00007ffa`1fea864b 488bcf          mov     rcx,rdi
00007ffa`1fea864e ffd3            call    rbx
00007ffa`1fea8650 e949c9cfff      jmp     clr!AwareLock::Contention+0x29e (00007ffa`1fba4f9e)  Branch

00007ffa`1fea8656 488b4db7        mov     rcx,qword ptr [rbp-49h]
00007ffa`1fea865a e871ffb9ff      call    clr!Thread::RareDisablePreemptiveGC (00007ffa`1fa485d0)
00007ffa`1fea865f e97ec9cfff      jmp     clr!AwareLock::Contention+0x30f (00007ffa`1fba4fe2)  Branch

00007ffa`1fea8664 4885db          test    rbx,rbx
00007ffa`1fea8667 0f8475c9cfff    je      clr!AwareLock::Contention+0x30f (00007ffa`1fba4fe2)  Branch

00007ffa`1fea866d 8b430c          mov     eax,dword ptr [rbx+0Ch]
00007ffa`1fea8670 85c0            test    eax,eax
00007ffa`1fea8672 0f846ac9cfff    je      clr!AwareLock::Contention+0x30f (00007ffa`1fba4fe2)  Branch

00007ffa`1fea8678 c7430c00000000  mov     dword ptr [rbx+0Ch],0
00007ffa`1fea867f 488b45b7        mov     rax,qword ptr [rbp-49h]
00007ffa`1fea8683 8b4808          mov     ecx,dword ptr [rax+8]
00007ffa`1fea8686 f6c15f          test    cl,5Fh
00007ffa`1fea8689 0f8453c9cfff    je      clr!AwareLock::Contention+0x30f (00007ffa`1fba4fe2)  Branch

00007ffa`1fea868f 488b4db7        mov     rcx,qword ptr [rbp-49h]
00007ffa`1fea8693 e8ec9fcfff      call    clr!Thread::RareEnablePreemptiveGC (00007ffa`1fba2684)
00007ffa`1fea8698 90              nop
00007ffa`1fea8699 e944c9cfff      jmp     clr!AwareLock::Contention+0x30f (00007ffa`1fba4fe2)  Branch

00007ffa`1fea869f 4183fdff        cmp     r13d,0FFFFFFFFh
00007ffa`1fea86a3 0f8553c9cfff    jne     clr!AwareLock::Contention+0x336 (00007ffa`1fba4ffc)  Branch

00007ffa`1fea86a9 498bcf          mov     rcx,r15
00007ffa`1fea86ac e80396cfff      call    clr!AwareLock::Enter (00007ffa`1fba1cb4)
00007ffa`1fea86b1 41b401          mov     r12b,1
00007ffa`1fea86b4 e943c9cfff      jmp     clr!AwareLock::Contention+0x336 (00007ffa`1fba4ffc)  Branch

00007ffa`1fea86ba 440fb70dbee54900 movzx   r9d,word ptr [clr!g_nClrInstanceId (00007ffa`20346c80)]
00007ffa`1fea86c2 4533c0          xor     r8d,r8d
00007ffa`1fea86c5 488d15fcb52d00  lea     rdx,[clr!ContentionStop (00007ffa`20183cc8)]
00007ffa`1fea86cc e85b16e6ff      call    clr!CoTemplate_ch (00007ffa`1fd09d2c)
00007ffa`1fea86d1 90              nop
00007ffa`1fea86d2 e935c9cfff      jmp     clr!AwareLock::Contention+0x359 (00007ffa`1fba500c)  Branch

그럼 분할된 구간을 통해 함수의 프롤로그와,

00007ffa`1fba4dd4 55              push    rbp
00007ffa`1fba4dd5 53              push    rbx
00007ffa`1fba4dd6 56              push    rsi
00007ffa`1fba4dd7 57              push    rdi
00007ffa`1fba4dd8 4154            push    r12
00007ffa`1fba4dda 4155            push    r13
00007ffa`1fba4ddc 4156            push    r14
00007ffa`1fba4dde 4157            push    r15
00007ffa`1fba4de0 488d6c24e1      lea     rbp,[rsp-1Fh]
00007ffa`1fba4de5 4881ec98000000  sub     rsp,98h
00007ffa`1fba4dec 48c745affeffffff mov     qword ptr [rbp-51h],0FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFEh
00007ffa`1fba4df4 448bea          mov     r13d,edx
00007ffa`1fba4df7 4c8bf9          mov     r15,rcx
00007ffa`1fba4dfa 33ff            xor     edi,edi
00007ffa`1fba4dfc 897d67          mov     dword ptr [rbp+67h],edi
00007ffa`1fba4dff 83faff          cmp     edx,0FFFFFFFFh
00007ffa`1fba4e02 0f8521373000    jne     clr!AwareLock::Contention+0x31 (00007ffa`1fea8529)  Branch

에필로그도 찾을 수 있고,

00007ffa`1fba500c 418ac4          mov     al,r12b
00007ffa`1fba500f 4881c498000000  add     rsp,98h
00007ffa`1fba5016 415f            pop     r15
00007ffa`1fba5018 415e            pop     r14
00007ffa`1fba501a 415d            pop     r13
00007ffa`1fba501c 415c            pop     r12
00007ffa`1fba501e 5f              pop     rdi
00007ffa`1fba501f 5e              pop     rsi
00007ffa`1fba5020 5b              pop     rbx
00007ffa`1fba5021 5d              pop     rbp
00007ffa`1fba5022 c3              ret

우리가 찾으려 했던 clr!AwareLock::Contention+0x169 오프셋 위치도 정확히 볼 수 있습니다.

00007ffa`1fba4f0c 83e801          sub     eax,1
00007ffa`1fba4f0f 7405            je      clr!AwareLock::Contention+0x16e (00007ffa`1fba4f16)  Branch

물론, 모든 함수가 이런 식으로 복잡하게 찢어져 있는 것은 아닙니다. 일례로 이 글의 처음에 나왔던 콜 스택에서 clr!AwareLock::Contention 함수를 호출한 clr!JITutil_MonContention의 경우,

0:079> k
 # Child-SP          RetAddr           Call Site
00 00000068`1e34e0e0 00007ffa`1fba4ca5 clr!AwareLock::Contention+0x169
01 00000068`1e34e1c0 00007ff9`c0f8a6ed clr!JITutil_MonContention+0xc5

u 명령어로도 (uf와는 약간 다르지만) 함수 결과가 잘 나오기 때문에 0xc5 위치를 얻을 수 있습니다. 그래도 테스트 해볼까요? ^^

우선 u 명령어로 시작 주소를 확인하고,

0:079> u clr!JITutil_MonContention
00007ffa`1fba4be0 488bc4          mov     rax,rsp
00007ffa`1fba4be3 48895010        mov     qword ptr [rax+10h],rdx
00007ffa`1fba4be7 48894808        mov     qword ptr [rax+8],rcx
00007ffa`1fba4beb 56              push    rsi
00007ffa`1fba4bec 57              push    rdi
00007ffa`1fba4bed 4156            push    r14
00007ffa`1fba4bef 4881ec70010000  sub     rsp,170h
00007ffa`1fba4bf6 48c7442448feffffff mov   qword ptr [rsp+48h],0FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFEh

이 값을 Call Site에 출력된 0xc5 오프셋과 합치면,

0:079> ? 00007ffa`1fba4be0 + 0xc5
Evaluate expression: 140712250854565 = 00007ffa`1fba4ca5

k 출력 결과에서 clr!AwareLock::Contention의 "RetAddr"로 보였던 값과 일치합니다.

0:079> k
 # Child-SP          RetAddr           Call Site
00 00000068`1e34e0e0 00007ffa`1fba4ca5 clr!AwareLock::Contention+0x169
01 00000068`1e34e1c0 00007ff9`c0f8a6ed clr!JITutil_MonContention+0xc5

또한 u 명령어로 확인을 해도,

0:079> u clr!JITutil_MonContention L4c
00007ffa`1fba4be0 488bc4          mov     rax,rsp
00007ffa`1fba4be3 48895010        mov     qword ptr [rax+10h],rdx
00007ffa`1fba4be7 48894808        mov     qword ptr [rax+8],rcx
00007ffa`1fba4beb 56              push    rsi
00007ffa`1fba4bec 57              push    rdi
00007ffa`1fba4bed 4156            push    r14
00007ffa`1fba4bef 4881ec70010000  sub     rsp,170h
00007ffa`1fba4bf6 48c7442448feffffff mov   qword ptr [rsp+48h],0FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFEh
00007ffa`1fba4bff 48895818        mov     qword ptr [rax+18h],rbx
00007ffa`1fba4c03 488bf9          mov     rdi,rcx
00007ffa`1fba4c06 488d1da3dae5ff  lea     rbx,[clr!JIT_MonEnter (00007ffa`1fa026b0)]
00007ffa`1fba4c0d 48895c2428      mov     qword ptr [rsp+28h],rbx
00007ffa`1fba4c12 488d05971c5700  lea     rax,[clr!HelperMethodFrame::`vftable' (00007ffa`201168b0)]
00007ffa`1fba4c19 4889842498000000 mov     qword ptr [rsp+98h],rax
00007ffa`1fba4c21 c78424b000000020000000 mov dword ptr [rsp+0B0h],20h
00007ffa`1fba4c2c 48899c24c0000000 mov     qword ptr [rsp+0C0h],rbx
00007ffa`1fba4c34 488d8c24c8000000 lea     rcx,[rsp+0C8h]
00007ffa`1fba4c3c e84f01e6ff      call    clr!LazyMachStateCaptureState (00007ffa`1fa04d90)
00007ffa`1fba4c41 488d8c2498000000 lea     rcx,[rsp+98h]
00007ffa`1fba4c49 e88201e6ff      call    clr!HelperMethodFrame::Push (00007ffa`1fa04dd0)
00007ffa`1fba4c4e 488b8c24b8000000 mov     rcx,qword ptr [rsp+0B8h]
00007ffa`1fba4c56 33f6            xor     esi,esi
00007ffa`1fba4c58 4532f6          xor     r14b,r14b
00007ffa`1fba4c5b 8a05cf937900    mov     al,byte ptr [clr!g_StackProbingEnabled (00007ffa`2033e030)]
00007ffa`1fba4c61 84c0            test    al,al
00007ffa`1fba4c63 741a            je      clr!JITutil_MonContention+0x9f (00007ffa`1fba4c7f)
00007ffa`1fba4c65 e856511600      call    clr!DefaultRetailStackProbeWorker (00007ffa`1fd09dc0)
00007ffa`1fba4c6a 8a05c0937900    mov     al,byte ptr [clr!g_StackProbingEnabled (00007ffa`2033e030)]
00007ffa`1fba4c70 84c0            test    al,al
00007ffa`1fba4c72 740b            je      clr!JITutil_MonContention+0x9f (00007ffa`1fba4c7f)
00007ffa`1fba4c74 488d4c2438      lea     rcx,[rsp+38h]
00007ffa`1fba4c79 e8e6671600      call    clr!SOIntolerantTransitionHandler::CtorImpl (00007ffa`1fd0b464)
00007ffa`1fba4c7e 90              nop
00007ffa`1fba4c7f 41b901000000    mov     r9d,1
00007ffa`1fba4c85 458bc1          mov     r8d,r9d
00007ffa`1fba4c88 488d942498010000 lea     rdx,[rsp+198h]
00007ffa`1fba4c90 488d4c2458      lea     rcx,[rsp+58h]
00007ffa`1fba4c95 e8ee0be6ff      call    clr!FrameWithCookie<GCFrame>::FrameWithCookie<GCFrame> (00007ffa`1fa05888)
00007ffa`1fba4c9a 83caff          or      edx,0FFFFFFFFh
00007ffa`1fba4c9d 488bcf          mov     rcx,rdi
00007ffa`1fba4ca0 e82f010000      call    clr!AwareLock::Contention (00007ffa`1fba4dd4)
00007ffa`1fba4ca5 488b842498010000 mov     rax,qword ptr [rsp+198h]
00007ffa`1fba4cad 4885c0          test    rax,rax
00007ffa`1fba4cb0 7403            je      clr!JITutil_MonContention+0xd5 (00007ffa`1fba4cb5)
00007ffa`1fba4cb2 c60001          mov     byte ptr [rax],1
00007ffa`1fba4cb5 488b8c2480000000 mov     rcx,qword ptr [rsp+80h]
00007ffa`1fba4cbd 488b442468      mov     rax,qword ptr [rsp+68h]
00007ffa`1fba4cc2 48894110        mov     qword ptr [rcx+10h],rax
00007ffa`1fba4cc6 c644243800      mov     byte ptr [rsp+38h],0
00007ffa`1fba4ccb 803d5e93790000  cmp     byte ptr [clr!g_StackProbingEnabled (00007ffa`2033e030)],0
00007ffa`1fba4cd2 740b            je      clr!JITutil_MonContention+0xff (00007ffa`1fba4cdf)
00007ffa`1fba4cd4 488d4c2438      lea     rcx,[rsp+38h]
00007ffa`1fba4cd9 e8be671600      call    clr!SOIntolerantTransitionHandler::DtorImpl (00007ffa`1fd0b49c)
00007ffa`1fba4cde 90              nop
00007ffa`1fba4cdf eb17            jmp     clr!JITutil_MonContention+0x118 (00007ffa`1fba4cf8)
00007ffa`1fba4ce1 488bbc2490010000 mov     rdi,qword ptr [rsp+190h]
00007ffa`1fba4ce9 488b5c2428      mov     rbx,qword ptr [rsp+28h]
00007ffa`1fba4cee 488b742430      mov     rsi,qword ptr [rsp+30h]
00007ffa`1fba4cf3 448a742420      mov     r14b,byte ptr [rsp+20h]
00007ffa`1fba4cf8 4584f6          test    r14b,r14b
00007ffa`1fba4cfb 7409            je      clr!JITutil_MonContention+0x126 (00007ffa`1fba4d06)
00007ffa`1fba4cfd 488bd6          mov     rdx,rsi
00007ffa`1fba4d00 e8bf0a2a00      call    clr!UnwindAndContinueRethrowHelperAfterCatch (00007ffa`1fe457c4)
00007ffa`1fba4d05 cc              int     3
00007ffa`1fba4d06 488d8c2498000000 lea     rcx,[rsp+98h]
00007ffa`1fba4d0e e8f900e6ff      call    clr!HelperMethodFrame::Pop (00007ffa`1fa04e0c)
00007ffa`1fba4d13 488d8c24c8000000 lea     rcx,[rsp+0C8h]
00007ffa`1fba4d1b e8e0f4e5ff      call    clr!HelperMethodFrameRestoreState (00007ffa`1fa04200)
00007ffa`1fba4d20 85c0            test    eax,eax
00007ffa`1fba4d22 0f85eafeffff    jne     clr!JITutil_MonContention+0x32 (00007ffa`1fba4c12)
00007ffa`1fba4d28 488b9c24a0010000 mov     rbx,qword ptr [rsp+1A0h]
00007ffa`1fba4d30 4881c470010000  add     rsp,170h
00007ffa`1fba4d37 415e            pop     r14
00007ffa`1fba4d39 5f              pop     rdi
00007ffa`1fba4d3a 5e              pop     rsi
00007ffa`1fba4d3b c3              ret

00007ffa`1fba4ca5 위치의 명령어 바로 위에서 clr!AwareLock::Contention 함수 호출이 있는 것을 확인할 수 있습니다.

00007ffa`1fba4c9a 83caff          or      edx,0FFFFFFFFh
00007ffa`1fba4c9d 488bcf          mov     rcx,rdi
00007ffa`1fba4ca0 e82f010000      call    clr!AwareLock::Contention (00007ffa`1fba4dd4)
00007ffa`1fba4ca5 488b842498010000 mov     rax,qword ptr [rsp+198h]


Windbg - 비정상 종료된 닷넷 프로그램의 StackTrace에서 보여지는 offset 값 의미

windbg - 분석 예: 시작하자마자 비정상 종료하는 프로세스 - NullReferenceException

Visual Studio의 .NET Disassembly 창의 call 호출에 사용되는 주소의 의미는?

[이 글에 대해서 여러분들과 의견을 공유하고 싶습니다. 틀리거나 미흡한 부분 또는 의문 사항이 있으시면 언제든 댓글 남겨주십시오.]

[최초 등록일: ]
[최종 수정일: 8/3/2021]

Creative Commons License
이 저작물은 크리에이티브 커먼즈 코리아 저작자표시-비영리-변경금지 2.0 대한민국 라이센스에 따라 이용하실 수 있습니다.
by SeongTae Jeong, mailto:techsharer at


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13308정성태4/4/20234675스크립트: 47. 파이썬의 time.time() 실숫값을 GoLang / C#에서 사용하는 방법
13307정성태4/4/20234385.NET Framework: 2106. C# - .NET Core/5+ 환경의 Windows Forms 응용 프로그램에서 HINSTANCE 구하는 방법
13306정성태4/3/20234284Windows: 243. Win32 - 윈도우(cbWndExtra) 및 윈도우 클래스(cbClsExtra) 저장소 사용 방법
13305정성태4/1/20234655Windows: 242. Win32 - 시간 만료를 갖는 MessageBox 대화창 구현 (쉬운 버전)파일 다운로드1
13304정성태3/31/20235056VS.NET IDE: 181. Visual Studio - C/C++ 프로젝트에 application manifest 적용하는 방법
13303정성태3/30/20234297Windows: 241. 환경 변수 %PATH%에 DLL을 찾는 규칙
13302정성태3/30/20234893Windows: 240. RDP 환경에서 바뀌는 %TEMP% 디렉터리 경로
13301정성태3/29/20235066Windows: 239. C/C++ - Windows 10 Version 1607부터 지원하는 /DEPENDENTLOADFLAG 옵션파일 다운로드1
13300정성태3/28/20234761Windows: 238. Win32 - Modal UI 창에 올바른 Owner(HWND)를 설정해야 하는 이유
13299정성태3/27/20234540Windows: 237. Win32 - 모든 메시지 루프를 탈출하는 WM_QUIT 메시지
13298정성태3/27/20234492Windows: 236. Win32 - MessageBeep 소리가 안 들린다면?
13297정성태3/26/20235060Windows: 235. Win32 - Code Modal과 UI Modal
13296정성태3/25/20234414Windows: 234. IsDialogMessage와 협업하는 WM_GETDLGCODE Win32 메시지 [1]파일 다운로드1
13295정성태3/24/20234709Windows: 233. Win32 - modeless 대화창을 modal처럼 동작하게 만드는 방법파일 다운로드1
13294정성태3/22/20234826.NET Framework: 2105. LargeAddressAware 옵션이 적용된 닷넷 32비트 프로세스의 가용 메모리 - 두 번째
13293정성태3/22/20234821오류 유형: 853. dumpbin - warning LNK4048: Invalid format file; ignored
13292정성태3/21/20235080Windows: 232. C/C++ - 일반 창에도 사용 가능한 IsDialogMessage파일 다운로드1
13291정성태3/20/20235379.NET Framework: 2104. C# Windows Forms - WndProc 재정의와 IMessageFilter 사용 시의 차이점
13290정성태3/19/20234891.NET Framework: 2103. C# - 윈도우에서 기본 제공하는 FindText 대화창 사용법파일 다운로드1
13289정성태3/18/20234080Windows: 231. Win32 - 대화창 템플릿의 2진 리소스를 읽어들여 자식 윈도우를 생성하는 방법파일 다운로드1
13288정성태3/17/20234221Windows: 230. Win32 - 대화창의 DLU 단위를 pixel로 변경하는 방법파일 다운로드1
13287정성태3/16/20234348Windows: 229. Win32 - 대화창 템플릿의 2진 리소스를 읽어들여 윈도우를 직접 띄우는 방법파일 다운로드1
13286정성태3/15/20234830Windows: 228. Win32 - 리소스에 포함된 대화창 Template의 2진 코드 해석 방법
13285정성태3/14/20234395Windows: 227. Win32 C/C++ - Dialog Procedure를 재정의하는 방법파일 다운로드1
13284정성태3/13/20234633Windows: 226. Win32 C/C++ - Dialog에서 값을 반환하는 방법파일 다운로드1
13283정성태3/12/20234017오류 유형: 852. 파이썬 - TypeError: coercing to Unicode: need string or buffer, NoneType found
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