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스마트 클라이언트 - Diagnosing Control in browser issues [링크 복사], [링크+제목 복사],
조회: 11164
글쓴 사람
정성태 (techsharer at
첨부 파일
(연관된 글이 4개 있습니다.)
원본 :

Diagnosing Control in browser issues


Controls hosted in the browser can often be difficult to debug.  If anything goes wrong with loading the dll or constructing the control instance, you will get nothing but the standard IE "something is wrong" image (the small icon in the top-left with colored shapes). 

Here's how I recommend diagnosing these issues:

1.  Turn on the debug log for IEHost

  • Add a DWORD to
    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\.NETFramework called "DebugIEHost" and set the value to 1
  • Add a String to
    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\.NETFramework called "IEHostLogFile" with the full path (I use c:\windows\temp\IEHostLog.log)

2.  Restart Internet Explorer (the log won't work if you don't) and navigate to your control.

3.  Look for the log file (it will be in the location you specified and appended with a number (usually 1).


It will look something like this for a successful control instantiation:

Creating security manager

Microsoft.IE.Manager: Microsoft.IE.Manager: unique id lgth = 46

Microsoft.IE.SecureFactory: Create SecureFactory() with security information

Microsoft.IE.Manager: Created secure factory

Microsoft.IE.SecureFactory: Creating instance of the object in the correct domain

Microsoft.IE.SecureFactory: pUrl = http://ControlHostDomain/path/to/page/test.html

Microsoft.IE.SecureFactory: id = 86474707A3163707E65647D24756374777562610000000

Microsoft.IE.SecureFactory: link =

Microsoft.IE.SecureFactory: licenses =

Microsoft.IE.Manager: Url = http://ControlHostDomain/path/to/page/test.html

Microsoft.IE.Manager: UrlGetPartW returned 0

Microsoft.IE.Manager: UrlGetPartW returned 80070057

Microsoft.IE.Manager: CodeBase = http://ControlHostDomain

Microsoft.IE.Manager: Application = path/to/page

Microsoft.IE.Manager: Found a codebase

Microsoft.IE.Manager: UrlCanonicalize returned 0

Microsoft.IE.SecureFactory: URL codeBase: http://ControlHostDomain/

Microsoft.IE.SecureFactory: URL application: path/to/page

Microsoft.IE.SecureFactory: Locating domain for http://ControlHostDomain/

Microsoft.IE.IDKey: Created key

Microsoft.IE.Manager: The domain does not exist.

Microsoft.IE.IDKey: Created key

Microsoft.IE.Manager: The domain does not exist.

Microsoft.IE.SecureFactory: Need to create domain

Microsoft.IE.SecureFactory: Application base: http://ControlHostDomain/

Microsoft.IE.SecureFactory: Private Bin Path: bin

Microsoft.IE.IDKey: Created key

Microsoft.IE.SecureFactory: Trying to create instance of type http://ControlHostDomain/path/to/page/MyControl.dll#MyControl

Microsoft.IE.SecureFactory: Created instance of type http://ControlHostDomain/path/to/page/MyControl.dll::MyControl

If you don't get a log file at all, it is probably because the control assembly could not be downloaded at all.  Check to ensure that the classid property is correct and that your web server is configured to serve .dll files

[연관 글]

[최초 등록일: ]
[최종 수정일: 4/14/2006]


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