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다운로드 : 86. Power Toys 소식 - Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 IDE Enhancements [링크 복사], [링크+제목 복사],
조회: 13149
글쓴 사람
정성태 (techsharer at
첨부 파일

Where have all the Powertoys gone?
그 동안 VS SDK 설치시에 같이 배포되던 Power Toys 가 VS SDK 4.0 부터는 분리되었다고 합니다. 그리고 이름도 새로 바뀌었다는 군요.

"Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 IDE Enhancements"

다음의 경로에서 다운로드 받을 수 있습니다.

Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 IDE Enhancements

다음과 같은 도구들이 설치된다고 합니다.

- Source Code Outliner
 : The Source Outliner tool is a Visual Studio extension that provides a tree view of your source code's types and members and lets you quickly navigate to them inside the editor.

- Visual C++ Code Snippets
 :The Visual C++ Code Snippets tool lets you insert snippets in your code by using a pop-up menu that contains programming keywords. VB.NET and C# languages have this functionality in Visual Studio 2005.

- Indexed Find
 The Indexed Find tool is a Visual Studio extension that uses the Microsoft Indexing Service to provide improved Search capabilities to the integrated development environment (IDE). It sends the results of a search to the Output Window.

- Super Diff Utility
 : The Super Diff Find tool is a Visual Studio extension that compares text files. It uses color coding and graphics to show the difference between the files in deleted text (red), changed text (blue), inserted text (green).

- Event Toaster Utility
 : The Event Toaster tool is a Visual Studio extension that notifies users about specific events within the Visual Studio IDE.

[최초 등록일: ]
[최종 수정일: 10/28/2006]


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