Microsoft MVP성태의 닷넷 이야기
글쓴 사람
정성태 (techsharer at
첨부 파일
(연관된 글이 1개 있습니다.)
(시리즈 글이 7개 있습니다.)
.NET Framework: 288. FFmpeg.exe를 이용한 C# 동영상 인코더 예제

개발 환경 구성: 622. vcpkg로 ffmpeg를 빌드하는 경우 생성될 구성 요소 제어하는 방법

개발 환경 구성: 623. ffmpeg.exe를 사용해 비디오 파일의 이미지를 PGM(Portable Gray Map) 파일 포맷으로 출력하는 방법

개발 환경 구성: 626. ffmpeg.exe를 사용해 비디오 파일을 MPEG1 포맷으로 변경하는 방법

개발 환경 구성: 634. ffmpeg.exe - 기존 동영상 컨테이너에 다중 스트림을 추가하는 방법

개발 환경 구성: 636. ffmpeg.exe를 이용해 planar 포맷의 데이터를 packed 형식으로 변환하는 방법?

개발 환경 구성: 639. ffmpeg.exe - Intel Quick Sync Video(qsv)를 이용한 인코딩

vcpkg로 ffmpeg를 빌드하는 경우 생성될 구성 요소 제어하는 방법

"C# - 화면 캡처한 이미지를 ffmpeg(FFmpeg.AutoGen)로 동영상 처리" 글의 이승준 님 답변으로 다양한 빌드 결과물이 나올 수 있다는 것을 알게 되었는데요. ^^

그래서 vcpkg의 ffmpeg 빌드 디렉터리를 봤더니 ".\vcpkg\packages\ffmpeg_x64-windows\CONTROL" 파일에 다음의 내용이 나옵니다.

Package: ffmpeg
Version: 4.4.1
Port-Version: 4
Depends: vcpkg-cmake, vcpkg-pkgconfig-get-modules
Architecture: x64-windows
Multi-Arch: same
Abi: add8890504bae35aca031e3bd32ed8e4c444a8ae968796b546717a250fedd8d3
Description: a library to decode, encode, transcode, mux, demux, stream, filter and play pretty much anything that humans and machines have created.
    FFmpeg is the leading ...[생략]... and configurations.
Type: Port
Default-Features: avcodec, avdevice, avfilter, avformat, swresample, swscale


그러니까, 저게 기본 상태로서 빌드했을 때 포함되는 구성 요소입니다. 그리고 좀 더 검색해보면,

Building ffmpeg with vcpkg on Windows 10: how to keep symbols in executables?

다음과 같은 식의 빌드 명령어가 나옵니다.

c:\temp> vcpkg install ffmpeg[core,avcodec,avdevice,avfilter,avformat,ffmpeg,ffplay,ffprobe,nvcodec,opencl,postproc,sdl2,swscale,nonfree]:x64-windows --recurse

아하~~~ vcpkg로도 저렇게 구성 요소를 마음대로 선택할 수 있군요. ^^ 실제로 저렇게 빌드하면 기존의 DLL들과 함께 SDL2.dll, OpenCL.dll, postproc-55.dll이 추가로 생성되고, 또한 다음의 경로에는 ffmpeg.exe, ffplay.exe, ffproble.exe가 생성됩니다. (기존 DLL들도 용량이 늘었습니다.)


빌드해 본 김에, 이승준 님이 언급한 빌드 배치 파일도 사용해 볼까요? ^^


유의할 것은, Visual studio와 함께 설치되는 "Command Prompt for ..."가 아닌 윈도우에서 제공하는 cmd.exe 내에서 실행해야 합니다. (그렇지 않으면 배치 파일 실행 시 관련 메시지와 함께 진행이 안 됩니다.)

간단하게 git clone을 하고 다운로드가 된 배치 파일을 실행하면 됩니다.

E:\git_clone> git clone

E:\git_clone> cd media-autobuild_suite

E:\git_clone\media-autobuild_suite> media-autobuild_suite.bat

그런데, 기준이 되는 디렉터리의 경로가 길면 안 된다는 경고가 뜨므로, 제 경우에는 "E:\git_clone\ffmpeg-media"로 디렉터리 이름을 변경했습니다.

일단 배치 파일이 실행되면 다음과 같이 묻는 과정이 뜨는데,

E:\git_clone\ffmpeg-media> media-autobuild_suite.bat

 Select the build target system:
 1 = both [32 bit and 64 bit]
 2 = 32 bit build system
 3 = 64 bit build system

Build System: 3

 Build FFmpeg with which license?
 1 = Non-free [unredistributable, but can include anything]
 2 = GPLv3 [disables OpenSSL and FDK-AAC]
 3 = GPLv2.1
   [Same disables as GPLv3 with addition of gmp, opencore codecs]
 4 = LGPLv3
   [Disables x264, x265, XviD, GPL filters, etc.
    but reenables OpenSSL/FDK-AAC]
 5 = LGPLv2.1 [same disables as LGPLv3 + GPLv2.1]

 If building for yourself, it's OK to choose non-free.
 If building to redistribute online, choose GPL or LGPL.
 If building to include in a GPLv2.1 binary, choose LGPLv2.1 or GPLv2.1.
 If you want to use FFmpeg together with closed source software, choose LGPL
 and follow instructions in

 OpenSSL and FDK-AAC have licenses incompatible with GPL but compatible
 with LGPL, so they won't be disabled automatically if you choose LGPL.

FFmpeg license:  1

 Build standalone binaries for libraries included in FFmpeg?
 eg. Compile opusenc.exe if --enable-libopus
 1 = Yes
 2 = No

Build standalone binaries:  1

 Build vpx [VP8/VP9 encoder]?
 1 = Yes
 2 = No

 Binaries being built depends on "standalone=y"

Build vpx: 1

 Build aom [Alliance for Open Media codec]?
 1 = Yes
 2 = No

 Binaries being built depends on "standalone=y"

Build aom: 1

 Build rav1e [Alternative, faster AV1 standalone encoder]?
 1 = Yes
 2 = No

Build rav1e: 1

 Build dav1d [Alternative, faster AV1 decoder]?
 1 = Yes
 2 = No

 Binaries being built depends on "standalone=y" and are always static.

Build dav1d: 1

 Build libavif [AV1 image format encoder and decoder]?
 1 = Yes
 2 = No

 Binaries being built depends on "standalone=y" and are always static.
 Will build aom, dav1d, and rav1e if not already previously enabled

Build libavif: 1

 Build jpeg-xl tools [JPEG XL image format encoder and decoder]?
 1 = Yes
 2 = No

Build jpegxl: 1

 Build x264 [H.264 encoder]?
 1 = Lib/binary with 8 and 10-bit
 2 = No
 3 = Lib/binary with only 10-bit
 4 = Lib/binary with 8 and 10-bit, and libavformat and ffms2
 5 = Shared lib/binary with 8 and 10-bit
 6 = Same as 4 with video codecs only (can reduce size by ~3MB)
 7 = Lib/binary with only 8-bit

 Binaries being built depends on "standalone=y" and are always static.

Build x264: 4

 Build x265 [H.265 encoder]?
 1 = Lib/binary with Main, Main10 and Main12
 2 = No
 3 = Lib/binary with Main10 only
 4 = Lib/binary with Main only
 5 = Lib/binary with Main, shared libs with Main10 and Main12
 6 = Same as 1 with XP support and non-XP compatible x265-numa.exe
 7 = Lib/binary with Main12 only

 Binaries being built depends on "standalone=y"

Build x265: 1

 Build Kvazaar? [H.265 encoder]
 1 = Yes
 2 = No

Build kvazaar: 1

 Build SVT-HEVC? [H.265 encoder]
 1 = Yes
 2 = No

Build SVT-HEVC: 1

 Build xvc? [HEVC and AV1 competitor]
 1 = Yes
 2 = No

 Any issues with this will be considered low-priority due to lack of
 potential stability
Build xvc: 1

 Build Fraunhofer VVC? [H.265 successor enc/decoder]
 1 = Yes
 2 = No

Build vvc: 1

 Build SVT-AV1? [AV1 encoder]
 1 = Yes
 2 = No

 Look at the link for hardware requirements

Build SVT-AV1: 1

 Build SVT-VP9? [VP9 encoder]
 1 = Yes
 2 = No

 Look at the link for hardware requirements

Build SVT-VP9: 1

 Build FLAC? [Free Lossless Audio Codec]
 1 = Yes
 2 = No

Build flac: 1

 Build FDK-AAC library and binary? [AAC-LC/HE/HEv2 codec]
 1 = Yes
 2 = No

Build fdkaac: 1

 Build FAAC library and binary? [old, low-quality and nonfree AAC-LC codec]
 1 = Yes
 2 = No

Build faac: 1

 Build exhale binary? [open-source ISO/IEC 23003-3 USAC, xHE-AAC encoder]
 1 = Yes
 2 = No

 Binaries being built do not depend on "standalone=y"

Build exhale: 1

 Build mediainfo binaries [Multimedia file information tool]?
 1 = Yes
 2 = No

Build mediainfo: 1

 Build sox binaries [Sound processing tool]?
 1 = Yes
 2 = No

Build sox: 1

 Build FFmpeg binaries and libraries:
 1 = Yes [static] [recommended]
 2 = No
 3 = Shared
 4 = Both static and shared [shared goes to an isolated directory]
 5 = Shared-only with some shared dependencies (libass, freetype and fribidi)
 6 = Same as 4, but static compilation ignores shared dependencies

 Note: Option 5 differs from 3 in that libass, freetype and fribidi are
 compiled shared so they take less space. Currently broken if libass or libass
 dependees are enabled.
 Option 6 produces static and shared ffmpeg and ffmpeg libs where the static
 one includes only strictly static dependencies (opencl, opengl, cuda-nvcc,
 libnpp, libopenh264 are hard disabled.)

Build FFmpeg: 4

 Always build FFmpeg when libraries have been updated?
 1 = Yes
 2 = No
 3 = Only build FFmpeg/mpv and missing dependencies

 FFmpeg is updated a lot so you only need to select this if you
 absolutely need updated external libraries in FFmpeg.

Build ffmpeg if lib is new: 1

 Choose ffmpeg and mpv optional libraries?
 1 = Yes
 2 = No (Light build)
 3 = No (Mimic Zeranoe)
 4 = No (All available external libs)

 Avoid the last two unless you really want useless libraries you'll never use.
 Just because you can include a shitty codec no one uses doesn't mean you should.

 If you select yes, we will create files with the default options
 we use with FFmpeg and mpv. You can remove any that you don't need or prefix
 them with #

Choose ffmpeg and mpv optional libs: 1
 File with default FFmpeg options has been created in

 Edit it now or leave it unedited to compile according to defaults.
Press any key to continue . . .
 File with default mpv options has been created in

 Edit it now or leave it unedited to compile according to defaults.
Press any key to continue . . .

 Build static mp4box [mp4 muxer/toolbox] binary?
 1 = Yes
 2 = No

Build mp4box: 1

 Build static rtmpdump binaries [rtmp tools]?
 1 = Yes
 2 = No

Build rtmpdump: 1

######### UNSUPPORTED, IF IT BREAKS, IT BREAKS ################################

 Build static mplayer/mencoder binary?
 1 = Yes
 2 = No

 Don't bother opening issues about this if it breaks, I don't fucking care
 about ancient unmaintained shit code. One more issue open about this that
 isn't the suite's fault and mplayer goes fucking out.

Build mplayer: 1

 Build mpv?
 1 = Yes
 2 = No

 Note: when built with shared-only FFmpeg, mpv is also shared.
 Note: the third option was removed since vapoursynth is now a delay-import
 dependency that is only required if you try to use the corresponding filter.
Build mpv: 1

 Build vlc?
 Takes a long time because of qt5 and wouldn't recommend it if you
 don't have ccache enabled.
 1 = Yes
 2 = No

 Note: the resulting vlc is extra buggy, do not expect it to work smoothly

Build vlc: 1

 Build static bmx tools?
 1 = Yes
 2 = No

Build bmx: 1

 Build static curl?
 1 = Yes (same backend as FFmpeg's)
 2 = No
 3 = SChannel backend
 4 = GnuTLS backend
 5 = OpenSSL backend
 6 = LibreSSL backend
 7 = mbedTLS backend

 A curl-ca-bundle.crt will be created to be used as trusted certificate store
 for all backends except SChannel.

Build curl: 1

######### UNSUPPORTED, IF IT BREAKS, IT BREAKS ################################

 Build FFMedia Broadcast binary?
 1 = Yes
 2 = No

 Note: this is a fork of FFmpeg 0.10. As such, it's very likely to fail
 to build, work, might burn your computer, kill your children, like mplayer.
 Only enable it if you absolutely need it. If it breaks, complain first to
 the author in #ffmbc in Freenode IRC.

Build ffmbc: 2

 Build cyanrip (CLI CD ripper)?
 1 = Yes
 2 = No

Build cyanrip: 1

 Build redshift (f.lux FOSS clone)?
 1 = Yes
 2 = No

Build redshift: 1

 Build ripgrep (faster grep in Rust)?
 1 = Yes
 2 = No

Build ripgrep: 1

 Build jq (CLI JSON processor)?
 1 = Yes
 2 = No

Build jq: 1

 Build jo (CLI JSON from shell)?
 1 = Yes
 2 = No

Build jo: 1

 Build dssim (multiscale SSIM in Rust)?
 1 = Yes
 2 = No

Build dssim: 1

 Build avs2 (Audio Video Coding Standard Gen2 encoder/decoder)?
 1 = Yes
 2 = No

 Binaries being built depends on "standalone=y" and are always static.

Build avs2: 1

 Use clang instead of gcc (C compiler)?
 Experimental and possibly broken due to gcc assumptions
 1 = Yes
 2 = No [Recommended]

Build using clang: 1

 Number of CPU Cores/Threads for compiling:
 [it is non-recommended to use all cores/threads!]

 Recommended: 12

 If you have Windows Defender Real-time protection on, most of your processing
 power will go to it. It is recommended to whitelist this directory from
 scanning due to the amount of new files and copying/moving done by the suite.
 If you do not know how to do this, google it. If you don't care, ignore this.

Core/Thread Count: 12

 Delete versioned source folders after compile is done?
 1 = Yes [recommended]
 2 = No

 This will save a bit of space for libraries not compiled from git.

Delete source: 1

 Strip compiled files binaries?
 1 = Yes [recommended]
 2 = No

 Makes binaries smaller at only a small time cost after compiling.

Strip files:  1

 Pack compiled files?
 1 = Yes
 2 = No [recommended]

 Attention: Some security applications may detect packed binaries as malware.
 Increases delay on runtime during which files need to be unpacked.
 Makes binaries smaller at a big time cost after compiling and on runtime.

 If distributing the files, consider packing them with 7-zip instead.

Pack files: 2

 Write logs of compilation commands?
 1 = Yes [recommended]
 2 = No

Note: Setting this to yes will also hide output from these commands.
On successful compilation, these logs are deleted since they aren't needed.

Write logs: 1

 Create script to update suite files automatically?
 1 = Yes
 2 = No

If you have made changes to the scripts, they will be reset but saved to a
.diff text file inside E:\git_clone\ffmpeg-media\build

Create update script: 1

 Show timestamps of commands during compilation?
 1 = Yes
 2 = No

This will show the start times of commands during compilation.
Don't turn this on unless you really want to see the timestamps.

Show Timestamps: 2

 Use ccache when compiling?
 Speeds up rebuilds and recompilations, but requires the files to be
 compiled at least once before any effect is seen
 1 = Yes
 2 = No

Use ccache: 1

 Are you running this script through ssh or similar?
 (Can't open another window outside of this terminal)
 1 = Yes
 2 = No

This will disable the use of mintty and print the output to this console.
There is no guarantee that this will work properly.
You must make sure that you have ssh keep-alive enabled or something similar
to screen that will allow you to run this script in the background.

SSH: 2

- Download and install msys2 basic system


- unpacking msys2 basic system


7-Zip SFX 21.03 ZS v1.5.0 R2 (x64) : Copyright (c) 1999-2021 Igor Pavlov, 2016-2021 Tino Reichardt : 2021-10-05

Extracting archive: E:\git_clone\ffmpeg-media\build\msys2-base.sfx.exe
Path = E:\git_clone\ffmpeg-media\build\msys2-base.sfx.exe
Type = 7z

Everything is Ok
- make a first run
first update
critical updates
warning: bash-5.1.008-1 is up to date -- skipping
warning: pacman-6.0.1-8 is up to date -- skipping
warning: msys2-runtime-3.3.3-4 is up to date -- skipping
 there is nothing to do
second update
creating local64-bit install folders

- write fstab mount file

install msys2 base system
install 64 bit compiler

update autobuild suite
 Creating suite update file...

 Run this file by dragging it to mintty before the next time you run
 the suite and before reporting an issue.

 It needs to be run separately and with the suite not running!

개별 선택은 저도 그냥 느낌대로 했을 뿐이고, 단지 어떤 선택을 했는지 기록을 남기기 위해 포함해 봤습니다. ^^

그런데, 저렇게 선택했더니 빌드가 무척 오래 걸립니다. 거의 6시간이 지났는데도 아직 빌드 중인 것을 보면... ^^; 그리고 결정적으로... 중간에 실패했는데요, 일단 다음에 테스트할 때는 옵션을 바꿔서 해봐야겠습니다. ^^

참고로, 각각의 GPU 가속에 따른 구성 요소는 별도인 듯합니다.

Using FFmpeg with NVIDIA GPU Hardware Acceleration

이것도 나중에 시간이 되면. ^^

[이 글에 대해서 여러분들과 의견을 공유하고 싶습니다. 틀리거나 미흡한 부분 또는 의문 사항이 있으시면 언제든 댓글 남겨주십시오.]

[연관 글]

[최초 등록일: ]
[최종 수정일: 2/16/2022]

Creative Commons License
이 저작물은 크리에이티브 커먼즈 코리아 저작자표시-비영리-변경금지 2.0 대한민국 라이센스에 따라 이용하실 수 있습니다.
by SeongTae Jeong, mailto:techsharer at


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