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개발 환경 구성: 642. Informix 데이터베이스 docker 환경 구성 [링크 복사], [링크+제목 복사],
조회: 7485
글쓴 사람
정성태 (techsharer at
첨부 파일
(연관된 글이 1개 있습니다.)

Informix 데이터베이스 docker 환경 구성

Informix DB 서버가 필요한데요, docker가 있으니 ^^ 아주 가뿐하게 해결할 수 있습니다.


실행은 이렇게 해주시면 됩니다.

c:\temp> docker run -it --name ifx -h ifx -p 9088:9088 -p 9089:9089 -p 27017:27017 -p 27018:27018 -p 27883:27883 -e LICENSE=accept ibmcom/informix-developer-database:latest

그런데, 이후의 과정이 문제인데요, 저 DB 환경에 대한 정보가 "ibmcom/informix-developer-database" 페이지에는 아무것도 없습니다. DB를 접속하기 위한 계정 정보나, 예제 데이터베이스가 있다거나... 하는 등의 내용이 없습니다. (사실, 저렇게 docker run 인자를 넣어야 한다는 것도 웹 검색을 해서 알았습니다.)

그나마 다행인 것은, docker run 이후의 출력 로그를 보면 관련 정보가 나옵니다.

Informix container login information:
user:            informix
password:        in4mix


그 외에, 제가 informix를 잘 몰라서 확답은 못하지만, 찾아보면 기본 서비스 포트가 1524라고 하는데, 위의 docker run 인자를 보면 9088이 아마도 기본 포트인 것 같습니다. 뭐, 그런대로 일단은 최대한 알 만한 정보는 모은 것 같습니다. ^^

참고로, 아래는 대충 이렇게 해서 실행된 docker 출력 내용을 담고 있습니다.

C:\temp> docker run -it --name ifx -h ifx -p 9088:9088 -p 9089:9089 -p 27017:27017 -p 27018:27018 -p 27883:27883 -e LICENSE=accept ibmcom/informix-developer-database:latest
argv[1]: (0x7ffc871c1e7d) /opt/ibm/scripts/
argv[2]: (0x7ffc871c1ea0) /opt/ibm/scripts/
[2022-04-27T06:08:31Z] >>>
[2022-04-27T06:08:31Z] >>>    LICENSE: ACCEPT
[2022-04-27T06:08:31Z] >>>    LICENSE_SERVER:
[2022-04-27T06:08:31Z] >>>    DBA_USER:
[2022-04-27T06:08:31Z] >>>    INFORMIX_PASSWORD: in4mix
[2022-04-27T06:08:31Z] >>>    DBA_PASSWORD:
[2022-04-27T06:08:31Z] >>>    HQADMIN_PASSWORD: Passw0rd
[2022-04-27T06:08:31Z] >>>    USER_MANAGEMENT:
[2022-04-27T06:08:31Z] >>>    SIZE: SMALL
[2022-04-27T06:08:31Z] >>>    TYPE: OLTP
[2022-04-27T06:08:31Z] >>>    STORAGE:
[2022-04-27T06:08:31Z] >>>    MEMORY_PERCENTAGE:
[2022-04-27T06:08:31Z] >>>    CPU_PERCENTAGE:
[2022-04-27T06:08:31Z] >>>    BUFFERS_PERCENTAGE: 80
[2022-04-27T06:08:31Z] >>>    SHMVIRT_PERCENTAGE: 19
[2022-04-27T06:08:31Z] >>>    NONPDQ_PERCENTAGE: 1
[2022-04-27T06:08:31Z] >>>    DISK_ENCRYPTION: OFF
[2022-04-27T06:08:31Z] >>>    DEBUG: OFF
[2022-04-27T06:08:31Z] >>>
[2022-04-27T06:08:31Z] >>>    MAPPED_HOSTNAME: ifx
[2022-04-27T06:08:31Z] >>>    MAPPED_SQLI_PORT: 9088
[2022-04-27T06:08:31Z] >>>
[2022-04-27T06:08:31Z] >>>    ONCONFIG_FILE:
[2022-04-27T06:08:31Z] >>>    SQLHOSTS_FILE:
[2022-04-27T06:08:31Z] >>>    REST_PROP_FILE:
[2022-04-27T06:08:31Z] >>>    MONGO_PROP_FILE:
[2022-04-27T06:08:31Z] >>>    MQTT_PROP_FILE:
[2022-04-27T06:08:31Z] >>>    DBSERVERNAME:
[2022-04-27T06:08:31Z] >>>    DBSERVERALIAS:
[2022-04-27T06:08:31Z] >>>    INIT_FILE:
[2022-04-27T06:08:31Z] >>>    RUN_FILE_PRE_INIT:
[2022-04-27T06:08:31Z] >>>    RUN_FILE_POST_INIT:
[2022-04-27T06:08:31Z] >>>    CONFIGURE_INIT:
[2022-04-27T06:08:31Z] >>>    EDITION_INSTALLER:
[2022-04-27T06:08:31Z] >>>
[2022-04-27T06:08:31Z] >>>    PORT_DRDA: ON
[2022-04-27T06:08:31Z] >>>    PORT_REST: ON
[2022-04-27T06:08:31Z] >>>    PORT_MONGO: ON
[2022-04-27T06:08:31Z] >>>    PORT_MQTT: ON
[2022-04-27T06:08:31Z] >>>    TLS_CONNECTIONS: OFF
[2022-04-27T06:08:31Z] >>>    TLS_CONNECTIONS_STATUS_FILE: /opt/ibm/config/tls_connections_status_file
[2022-04-27T06:08:31Z] >>>    WL_CREDENTIALS_STATUS_FILE: /opt/ibm/config/wl_credentials_status_file
[2022-04-27T06:08:31Z] >>>
[2022-04-27T06:08:31Z] >>>    HA:
[2022-04-27T06:08:31Z] >>>    HA_PRIMARY:
[2022-04-27T06:08:31Z] >>>    HA_PRI_DBSERVERNAME:
[2022-04-27T06:08:31Z] >>>    HQSERVER:
[2022-04-27T06:08:31Z] >>>    HQAGENT:
[2022-04-27T06:08:31Z] >>>    HQSETUP:
[2022-04-27T06:08:31Z] >>>    HQSERVER_MAPPED_HOSTNAME:
[2022-04-27T06:08:31Z] >>>    HQSERVER_MAPPED_HTTP_PORT: 8080
[2022-04-27T06:08:31Z] >>>    HQSERVER_MAPPED_HTTPS_PORT: 8081
[2022-04-27T06:08:31Z] >>>
[2022-04-27T06:08:31Z] >>>    Start container
[2022-04-27T06:08:31Z] >>>    Continue with existing connection setup
[2022-04-27T06:08:31Z] >>>    Check for edition installer
[2022-04-27T06:08:31Z] >>>    Create data directories
[2022-04-27T06:08:31Z] >>>        /opt/ibm/data
[2022-04-27T06:08:31Z] >>>    [COMPLETED]
[2022-04-27T06:08:31Z] >>>    Create sqlhosts file
[2022-04-27T06:08:31Z] >>>        /opt/ibm/informix/etc/sqlhosts
[2022-04-27T06:08:31Z] >>>        /opt/ibm/config/sqlhosts FILEEXISTS=0
[2022-04-27T06:08:31Z] >>>        Create default sqlhosts
[2022-04-27T06:08:31Z] >>>        touch /opt/ibm/config/sqlhosts
[2022-04-27T06:08:31Z] >>>    [COMPLETED]
[2022-04-27T06:08:31Z] >>>    Create ONCONFIG file
[2022-04-27T06:08:31Z] >>>        /opt/ibm/informix/etc/onconfig
[2022-04-27T06:08:31Z] >>>        Create DEFAULT onconfig
[2022-04-27T06:08:31Z] >>>        Copy onconfig.std  /opt/ibm/config/onconfig
[2022-04-27T06:08:31Z] >>>        Set up small system
[2022-04-27T06:08:31Z] >>>    MODIFY ONCONFIG: /opt/ibm/scripts/informix_config.small
[2022-04-27T06:08:31Z] >>>    MODIFY ONCONFIG: /opt/ibm/informix/etc/onconfig
[2022-04-27T06:08:31Z] >>>    ONCONFIG UPDATE: AUTO_TUNE - 1
[2022-04-27T06:08:31Z] >>>    ONCONFIG UPDATE: DIRECT_IO - 1
[2022-04-27T06:08:31Z] >>>    ONCONFIG UPDATE: DUMPSHMEM - 0
[2022-04-27T06:08:31Z] >>>    ONCONFIG UPDATE: LOGFILES - 10
[2022-04-27T06:08:31Z] >>>    ONCONFIG UPDATE: LOGBUFF - 128
[2022-04-27T06:08:31Z] >>>    ONCONFIG UPDATE: PHYSBUFF - 128
[2022-04-27T06:08:31Z] >>>    ONCONFIG UPDATE: ROOTSIZE - 350000
[2022-04-27T06:08:31Z] >>>    ONCONFIG UPDATE: SINGLE_CPU_VP - 1
[2022-04-27T06:08:31Z] >>>    [COMPLETED]
[2022-04-27T06:08:31Z] >>>    Set up sch_init_informix.sql file
[2022-04-27T06:08:31Z] >>>        Use small setup sch_init_informix.sql
[2022-04-27T06:08:31Z] >>>    [COMPLETED]
[2022-04-27T06:08:31Z] >>>    Update hostname in file(s)
[2022-04-27T06:08:31Z] >>>        /opt/ibm/informix/etc/sqlhosts
[2022-04-27T06:08:31Z] >>>    Updating HOSTNAME in /opt/ibm/informix/etc/sqlhosts
[2022-04-27T06:08:31Z] >>>    [COMPLETED]
[2022-04-27T06:08:31Z] >>>    Create MSGPATH file
[2022-04-27T06:08:31Z] >>>        /opt/ibm/data/logs/online.log
[2022-04-27T06:08:31Z] >>>    [COMPLETED]
[2022-04-27T06:08:31Z] >>>    Create rootdbs
[2022-04-27T06:08:31Z] >>>        /opt/ibm/data/spaces/rootdbs.000
[2022-04-27T06:08:31Z] >>>    [COMPLETED]
[2022-04-27T06:08:31Z] >>>    Run
[2022-04-27T06:08:31Z] >>>    Remove existing WL properties files
[2022-04-27T06:08:31Z] >>>    Clean up existing server
[2022-04-27T06:08:31Z] >>>    INFORMIX_CLEAN param1: ALWAYS
[2022-04-27T06:08:31Z] >>>    Clean up oninit processes
[2022-04-27T06:08:31Z] >>>        PIDS:
[2022-04-27T06:08:31Z] >>>    Remaining oninit processes - if any
[2022-04-27T06:08:31Z] >>>        PIDS:
[2022-04-27T06:08:31Z] >>>    Clean up all SHM
[2022-04-27T06:08:31Z] >>>    Clean up all SEM
[2022-04-27T06:08:31Z] >>>    Informix disk initialization
Warning: The IBM Informix Dynamic Server Developer Edition license restriction limits
the total shared memory size for this server to 16777216 KB. The
maximum allowable shared memory will be set to this size. (SHMTOTAL)
[2022-04-27T06:08:40Z] >>>        Waiting for sysadmin
[2022-04-27T06:08:45Z] >>>        Waiting for sysadmin
[2022-04-27T06:08:50Z] >>>        Waiting for sysadmin
[2022-04-27T06:08:55Z] >>>        Waiting for sysadmin
[2022-04-27T06:08:57Z] >>>    [COMPLETED]
[2022-04-27T06:08:57Z] >>>    Set up Wire Listener (WL)
[2022-04-27T06:08:57Z] >>>    Start WL (2022-04-27T06:08:57Z)
[2022-04-27T06:08:57Z] >>>        Create default WL Mongo properties file
[2022-04-27T06:08:57Z] >>>        WL Mongo: 0 0
[2022-04-27T06:08:57Z] >>>        WL: REST properties file /opt/ibm/config/ does not exist
[2022-04-27T06:08:57Z] >>>        Create default WL REST properties file
[2022-04-27T06:08:57Z] >>>        WL REST: 0 0
[2022-04-27T06:08:57Z] >>>        Create default WL MQTT properties
[2022-04-27T06:08:57Z] >>>        WL MQTT: 0 0
[2022-04-27T06:08:57Z] >>>        WL cmd: java  -jar '/opt/ibm/informix'/bin/jsonListener.jar  -config /opt/ibm/informix/etc/  -config /opt/ibm/informix/etc/  -config /opt/ibm/informix/etc/  -logfile /opt/ibm/informix/etc/json_listener_logging.log -loglevel info -start &
[2022-04-27T06:08:57Z] >>>    [COMPLETED]
[2022-04-27T06:08:57Z] >>>    Execute init-startup scripts
[2022-04-27T06:08:57Z] >>>    [COMPLETED]
[2022-04-27T06:08:57Z] >>>    ###
[2022-04-27T06:08:57Z] >>>    ###    Informix container login information:
[2022-04-27T06:08:57Z] >>>    ###        user:            informix
[2022-04-27T06:08:57Z] >>>    ###        password:        in4mix
[2022-04-27T06:08:57Z] >>>    ###
[2022-04-27T06:08:57Z] >>>    ###    Type exit to quit the startup shell
[2022-04-27T06:08:57Z] >>>    ###        This will stop the container
[2022-04-27T06:08:57Z] >>>    ###
[2022-04-27T06:08:57Z] >>>    ###    For interactive shell run:
[2022-04-27T06:08:57Z] >>>    ###        docker exec -it <container-name | -id> bash
[2022-04-27T06:08:57Z] >>>    ###
[2022-04-27T06:08:57Z] >>>    ###    To start the container run:
[2022-04-27T06:08:57Z] >>>    ###        docker start <container-name | -id>
[2022-04-27T06:08:57Z] >>>    ###
[2022-04-27T06:08:57Z] >>>    ###    To safely shut down the container run:
[2022-04-27T06:08:57Z] >>>    ###        docker stop <container-name | -id>
[2022-04-27T06:08:57Z] >>>    ###
06:08:31  IBM Informix Dynamic Server Started.
06:08:31  Requested shared memory segment size rounded from 4500KB to 4992KB
06:08:32  Could not disable priority aging: errno = 13

Wed Apr 27 06:08:33 2022

06:08:33  Requested shared memory segment size rounded from 111028KB to 111032KB
06:08:33  Successfully added a bufferpool of page size 2K.

06:08:33  Event alarms enabled.  ALARMPROG = '/opt/ibm/informix/etc/'
06:08:33  Booting Language <c> from module <>
06:08:33  Loading Module <CNULL>
06:08:33  Booting Language <builtin> from module <>
06:08:33  Loading Module <BUILTINNULL>
06:08:38  Could not disable priority aging: errno = 13
06:08:38  Dynamically allocated new virtual shared memory segment (size 8192KB)
06:08:38  Memory sizes:resident:4992 KB, virtual:32656 KB, message:0, bufferpool:111032, SHMTOTAL:16777216 KB
2022-04-27 06:08:38.103  DR: DRAUTO is 0 (Off)
2022-04-27 06:08:38.103  DR: ENCRYPT_HDR is 0 (HDR encryption Disabled)
2022-04-27 06:08:38.103  Event notification facility epoll enabled.
2022-04-27 06:08:38.226  IBM Informix Dynamic Server Version 14.10.FC7W1DE
2022-04-27 06:08:38.227  Performance Advisory: Currently IBM Informix Dynamic Server cannot
          support KAIO on the device containing
2022-04-27 06:08:38.227   Results: Direct and concurrent I/O are disabled for this chunk.
2022-04-27 06:08:38.227   Action: Standard AIO (possibly buffered) will be used for I/O
           to this chunk.
2022-04-27 06:08:38.984  IBM Informix Dynamic Server Initialized -- Complete Disk Initialized.
2022-04-27 06:08:38.984  Started 1 B-tree scanners.
2022-04-27 06:08:38.984  B-tree scanner threshold set at 5000.
2022-04-27 06:08:38.984  B-tree scanner range scan size set to -1.
2022-04-27 06:08:38.984  B-tree scanner ALICE mode set to 6.
2022-04-27 06:08:38.984  B-tree scanner index compression level set to med.
2022-04-27 06:08:38.998  Dataskip is now OFF for all dbspaces
2022-04-27 06:08:39.016  Building 'sysmaster' database ...
2022-04-27 06:08:39.039  Checkpoint Completed:  duration was 0 seconds.
2022-04-27 06:08:39.039  Wed Apr 27 - loguniq 1, logpos 0x418, timestamp: 0xae Interval: 2

2022-04-27 06:08:39.039  Maximum server connections 0
2022-04-27 06:08:39.039  Checkpoint Statistics - Avg. Txn Block Time 0.000, # Txns blocked 1, Plog used 6, Llog used 1

2022-04-27 06:08:39.041  On-Line Mode
2022-04-27 06:08:40.480  Dynamically allocated new virtual shared memory segment (size 8192KB)
2022-04-27 06:08:40.480  Memory sizes:resident:4992 KB, virtual:40848 KB, message:0, bufferpool:111032, SHMTOTAL:16777216 KB
2022-04-27 06:08:42.036  Booting Language <spl> from module <>
2022-04-27 06:08:42.036  Loading Module <SPLNULL>
2022-04-27 06:08:42.079  Performance Advisory: Based on the current workload, the physical log might be too small to
accommodate the time it takes to flush the buffer pool.
2022-04-27 06:08:42.079   Results: The server might block transactions during checkpoints.
2022-04-27 06:08:42.079   Action: If transactions are blocked during the checkpoint, increase the size of the
 physical log to at least 716800 KB.
2022-04-27 06:08:42.079  Performance Advisory: The physical log is too small for automatic checkpoints.
2022-04-27 06:08:42.079   Results: Automatic checkpoints are disabled.
2022-04-27 06:08:42.079   Action: To enable automatic checkpoints, increase the physical log to at least 716800 KB.
2022-04-27 06:08:43.453  Unloading Module <SPLNULL>
2022-04-27 06:08:43.457  Loading Module <SPLNULL>
2022-04-27 06:08:45.847  Checkpoint Completed:  duration was 0 seconds.
2022-04-27 06:08:45.847  Wed Apr 27 - loguniq 1, logpos 0x12e1018, timestamp: 0x145b6 Interval: 3

2022-04-27 06:08:45.847  Maximum server connections 1
2022-04-27 06:08:45.847  Checkpoint Statistics - Avg. Txn Block Time 0.000, # Txns blocked 0, Plog used 9, Llog used 4833

2022-04-27 06:08:47.079  Logical Log 1 Complete, timestamp: 0x1b87e.
2022-04-27 06:08:47.764  Checkpoint Completed:  duration was 0 seconds.
2022-04-27 06:08:47.764  Wed Apr 27 - loguniq 2, logpos 0x646018, timestamp: 0x1b8ad Interval: 4

2022-04-27 06:08:47.764  Maximum server connections 1
2022-04-27 06:08:47.765  Checkpoint Statistics - Avg. Txn Block Time 0.000, # Txns blocked 0, Plog used 30, Llog used 1773

2022-04-27 06:08:49.747  Checkpoint Completed:  duration was 0 seconds.
2022-04-27 06:08:49.747  Wed Apr 27 - loguniq 2, logpos 0xd33018, timestamp: 0x22b3c Interval: 5

2022-04-27 06:08:49.747  Maximum server connections 1
2022-04-27 06:08:49.747  Checkpoint Statistics - Avg. Txn Block Time 0.000, # Txns blocked 0, Plog used 58, Llog used 1773

2022-04-27 06:08:50.194  'sysmaster' database built successfully.
2022-04-27 06:08:51.080  'sysutils' database built successfully.
2022-04-27 06:08:51.080  'sysuser' database built successfully.
2022-04-27 06:08:57.080  Building 'sysadmin' database ...
2022-04-27 06:08:57.271  Performance Advisory: Logical log file size might be too small for a
          checkpoint to complete.
2022-04-27 06:08:57.271   Results: The size of individual logical log files is too small for
          the current workload, resulting in each log file filling very
          quickly. If log files fill in less than 30 seconds, the checkpoint
          might remain blocked because the last log file fills during the time
          needed to perform the checkpoint.
2022-04-27 06:08:57.271   Action: Increase the size of the individual logical log files so
          that it takes at least 30 seconds to fill each one. Look at the
          online log to determine how quickly the log files are filling, and
          then increase the size of the files proportionately.
starting rest listener on port 27018
2022-04-27 06:08:57.852  Dynamically allocated new virtual shared memory segment (size 8192KB)
2022-04-27 06:08:57.852  Memory sizes:resident:4992 KB, virtual:49040 KB, message:0, bufferpool:111032, SHMTOTAL:16777216 KB
starting mongo listener on port 27017
starting mqtt listener on port 27883
2022-04-27 06:08:58.080  Logical Log 2 Complete, timestamp: 0x2cad2.
2022-04-27 06:08:59.456  SCHAPI: Using (/opt/ibm/informix/etc/sysadmin/sch_init_informix.sql) to initialize this instance.

2022-04-27 06:08:59.486  SCHAPI: Started dbScheduler thread.
2022-04-27 06:08:59.486  'sysadmin' database built successfully.
2022-04-27 06:08:59.498  Auto Registration is synced
2022-04-27 06:08:59.622  Updating Low Memory Manager to version 11
2022-04-27 06:08:59.626  Installing patch to Low Memory Manager code. version(11.01)
2022-04-27 06:08:59.899  Installing patch to upgrade ph_task code. version(13.10)
2022-04-27 06:08:59.922  SCHAPI: Started 2 dbWorker threads.
2022-04-27 06:09:01.244  Checkpoint Completed:  duration was 2 seconds.
2022-04-27 06:09:01.245  Wed Apr 27 - loguniq 3, logpos 0xa87080, timestamp: 0x34faa Interval: 6

2022-04-27 06:09:01.245  Maximum server connections 1
2022-04-27 06:09:01.245  Checkpoint Statistics - Avg. Txn Block Time 0.000, # Txns blocked 1, Plog used 178, Llog used 5273

[이 글에 대해서 여러분들과 의견을 공유하고 싶습니다. 틀리거나 미흡한 부분 또는 의문 사항이 있으시면 언제든 댓글 남겨주십시오.]

[연관 글]

[최초 등록일: ]
[최종 수정일: 4/28/2022]

Creative Commons License
이 저작물은 크리에이티브 커먼즈 코리아 저작자표시-비영리-변경금지 2.0 대한민국 라이센스에 따라 이용하실 수 있습니다.
by SeongTae Jeong, mailto:techsharer at


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