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.NET : 103. FullTrust on the LocalIntranet [링크 복사], [링크+제목 복사],
조회: 12025
글쓴 사람
정성태 (techsharer at
첨부 파일

FullTrust on the LocalIntranet

오늘에야 알게 되었네요. ^^;

예전에는 컴퓨터 명으로 접근되는 LocalIntranet 영역으로부터 실행되는 프로그램은 FullTrust까지는 아니었는데, 이 정책이 3.5 SP1부터 바뀌었다고 합니다. 아래의 사항은, 요약된 정책입니다.

To summarize the under the hood changes, assemblies which will now receive Zone evidence of MyComputer and therefore be fully trusted by default are:

Any managed .exe which is launched directly from a network share
Any assembly in that .exe's process which is loaded from the same directory as the .exe itself was.
Assemblies which will not see this change include:

Assemblies loaded from a subdirectory of the share where the .exe was launched from
Assemblies loaded from shares other than the one where the main .exe was launched
Any assembly loaded on a machine with the LegacyMyComputer registry value set to 1
Any assembly loaded into a CLR host, including assemblies loaded into Internet Explorer as controls.
Any assembly loaded from shares by an application that was launched from the "real" MyComputer zone.

[최초 등록일: ]
[최종 수정일: 4/10/2009]


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