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Vista : 8. Property System 사용 코드 예 [링크 복사], [링크+제목 복사],
조회: 12371
글쓴 사람
정성태 (techsharer at
첨부 파일
부모글 보이기/감추기

Property consumerism

약속대로 코드 예제를 공개했습니다.

별로 많은 내용이 아니니, 여기에 복사해 넣습니다.

Reading properties is rather simple. First, bind to the item. SHCreateItemFromIDList and SHCreateItemFromParsingName are appropriate for this. Then read your properties. Be sure to clean up after yourself.

IShellItem2 *psi;
if (SUCCEEDED(SHCreateItemFromParsingName(L"c:\tortoise.doc", NULL, IID_IShellItem2, (void**)&psi)))
IPropertyStore *pps;
if (SUCCEEDED(psi->GetPropertyStore(GPS_DEFAULT, IID_IPropertyStore, (void**)&pps)))
PROPVARIANT propvar = {0};
if (SUCCEEDED(pps->GetValue(PKEY_Title, &propvar)))
wprintf(L"Title: %s\n", PropVariantToStringWithDefault(propvar, L""));

Not bad for reading the title of a document! And I even checked the return results.


Constable Umer walked down the narrow flagstone path, then onto cobblestones and finally gravel stones. Turning a corner, Cons. Umer found a door with a small card pinned to next to it. "Great Flying Tortoise: Purveyor of fine, proper teas."

[최초 등록일: ]
[최종 수정일: 4/26/2024]


댓글 작성자

2006-10-06 10시35분
Properties coding expedition #1 - Binding to an item

Properties coding expedition #2 - printing the IPropertyStore

Properties coding expedition #3 - Printing a value

Properties coding expedition #4 - The output

Properties coding expedition #5 - Stripping characters

Properties coding expedition #6 - Developer friendly output

Properties coding expedition #7 - The final output

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