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TFS : 67. TFS 명령행 인자 [링크 복사], [링크+제목 복사],
조회: 12539
글쓴 사람
정성태 (techsharer at
첨부 파일

Real TFS Command Line Help

아래에 그냥 복사합니다.

Add        tf add itemspec [lock:none|checkin|checkout] [/type:filetype] 
              [/noprompt] [/recursive]
Branch     tf branch olditem newitem [/version:versionspec] [/noget] [/lock]
              [/noprompt] [/recursive]
Branches   tf branches [/s:servername] itemspec
Changeset  tf changeset [/comment:comment|@commentfile] /s:servername 
              [/notes:("NoteFieldName"="NoteFieldValue"|@notefile)] [/noprompt]
Checkin    tf checkin [/author:authorname] [/comment:("comment"|@commentfile)]
              [/notes:("Note Name"="note text"|@notefile)] 
              [/override:reason|@reason] [/recursive] filespec ...]
Checkout   tf checkout|edit [/lock:(none|checkin|checkout)] [/recursive]
              [/type:encoding] itemspec
Configure  tf configure pathtoproject /server:servername
Delete     tf delete [/lock:(none|checkin|checkout)] [/recursive] itemspec
Difference tf difference itemspec [/version:versionspec] [/type:filetype] 
              [/format:(visual|unix|ss)] [/ignorespace] 
              [/ignoreeol] [/ignorecase] [/recursive] [/options:"options"]
           tf difference itemspec itemspec2 [/type:filetype] 
              [/format:(visual|unix|ss)] [/ignorespace] [/ignoreeol] 
              [/ignorecase] [/recursive] [/options:"options"]
           tf difference [/shelveset:[shelvesetowner;]shelvesetname] 
              shelveset_itemspec [/server:serverURL] 
              [/type:filetype] [/format:(visual|unix|ss)] [/ignorespace] 
              [/ignoreeol] [/ignorecase] [/recursive] [/options:"options"]
           tf difference /configure
Dir        tf dir [/s:servername] itemspec [/version:versionspec] [/recursive]
              [/folders] [/deleted] 
Get        tf get itemspec [/version:versionspec] [/all] [/overwrite] [/force]
              [/preview] [/recursive] [/noprompt]
Help       tf help commandname
History    tf history [/s:servername] itemspec [/version:versionspec]
              [/stopafter:number] [/recursive] 
              [/user:username] [/format:(brief|detailed)] [/slotmode]
Label      tf label [/s:servername]  labelname@scope [/owner:ownername] 
              itemspec [/version:versionspec] 
              [/comment:("comment"|@commentfile)] [/child:(replace|merge)]
           tf label [/s:servername] [/delete] labelname@scope 
              [/owner:ownername] itemspec [/version:versionspec] 
Labels     tf labels [/owner:ownername] [/format:(brief|detailed)] 
              [/s:servername] [labelname]
Lock       tf lock itemspec /lock:(none|checkout|checkin) 
              [/workspace:workspacename] [/server:serverURL] [/recursive] 
Merge      tf merge  [/recursive] [/force] [/candidate] [/discard] 
              [/lock:none|checkin|checkout] [/preview] [/baseless] [/nosummary]
              source destination
Merges     tf merges [/s:servername] [source] destination [/recursive]
Permission tf permission [/allow:(* |perm1[,perm2,?] 
              [/remove:(* |perm1[,perm2,...])]
              [/inherit:yes|no] [/user:username1[,username2,?] [/recursive] 
              [/server:servername] itemspec 
Properties tf properties [/recursive] itemspec
Rename     tf rename [/lock:(none|checkout|checkin)] olditem newitem
Resolve    tf resolve itemspec [auto:(AcceptMerge|AcceptTheirs|AcceptYours)] 
              [(/overridetype:overridetype | /converttotype:converttype)] 
Shelve     tf shelve [/move] [/replace] [/comment:(@commentfile|"comment")] 
              [/recursive] shelvesetname[;owner] filespec
           tf shelve /delete [/server:serverURL] shelvesetname[;owner]
Shelvesets tf shelvesets [/owner:ownername] [/format:(brief|detailed)] 
              [/server:serverURL] shelvesetname
Status     tf status itemspec [/s:servername] 
              ([/workspace:workspacename[;workspaceowner]] | 
              [/format:(brief|detailed)] [/recursive] [/user:(*|username)] 
Undelete   tf undelete [/noget] [/lock:(none|checkin|checkout)] 
              [/newname:name] [/recursive] itemspec[;deletionID]
Undo       tf undo [/workspace:workspacename   [;workspaceowner]] 
              [/s:servername] [/recursive] itemspec
Unlabel    tf unlabel [/s:servername] [/recursive] labelname itemspec
Unshelve   tf unshelve [/move] [shelvesetname[;username]] itemspec
View       tf view [/s:servername] [/console] [/noprompt] itemspec 
WorkFold   tf workfold localfolder
           tf workfold [/workspace: workspacename]
           tf workfold [/s:servername] [/workspace: workspacename] 
           tf workfold [/map] [/s:servername] [/workspace: workspacename] 
           tf workfold /unmap [/s:servername] [/workspace: workspacename] 
              [/recursive] (repositoryfolder|localfolder)
           tf workfold /cloak (repositoryfolder|localfolder) 
              [/workspace: workspacename] [/s:servername]
           tf workfold /decloak (repositoryfolder|localfolder) 
              [/workspace:workspacename] [/s:servername]
Workspace  tf workspace /new [/noprompt] 
              [/computer:computername] [/comment:("comment"|@commentfile)] 
           tf workspace /delete [/s:servername] 
           tf workspace [/s:servername] [/comment:comment] 
              [/newname:workspacename] workspacename[;workspaceowner]
Workspaces tf workspaces [/owner:ownername] [/computer:computername] 
              [/s:servername] [/format:(brief|detailed)] 
              [/updateComputerName:oldcomputername] workspacename

  Can contain wildcards *, ? and #
  Can contain relative path parts . and .. 
  Can reference file system or UNC paths mapped to a workspace or server 
  paths (which start with $/). You can usually specify more than one 
  file separated by spaces for an itemspec (useful for edit, add, delete 

  Date/Time         Dmm/dd/yyyy
  Changeset number  Cnnnnnn
  Label             Llabelname
  Latest version    T
  Workspace         Wworkspacename;workspaceowner

  /changeset  /G     /noprompt   /I
  /comment    /C     /owner      /O
  /computer   /M     /recursive  /R
  /delete     /D     /server     /S
  /force      /P     /slotmode   /X
  /format     /F     /template   /T
  /help       /?,/H  /user       /U
  /lock       /K     /version    /V
  /login      /Y     /workplace  /W
  /newname    /N     

[최초 등록일: ]
[최종 수정일: 1/23/2007]


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