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조회: 11714
글쓴 사람
장강현 (khjang10 at
첨부 파일


요새 저희가 SmartClient환경으로 ChartFX.NET을 사용하여 개발을 하고 있는데

ChartFx가 제대로 로딩이 되지 않습니다..

처음에는 licenseexception이 발생하여 원인을 찾아보니 licenses.licx를 화일을 생성하여 프로젝트에 첨부하여 배포하라는

글을 읽고 그대로 해봐도 자꾸 똑같은 에러가 발생합니다..
(참고로 저희는 DLL를 구성하여 웹페이지에 포함시키는 방식으로 구현했습니다)

그래서 간단하게 웹페이에 그냥 ChartFX 하나 올린 DLL을 생성하여 위의 방법처럼 license.licx를 포함해서 컴파일해서 포함시켜도

페이지가 뜨지 않습니다..

혹시 아시는 바가 있으면 조언을 부탁드립니다..

이것때문에 2일동안 아무것도 못하고 있네요~~

밑의 글은 ChartFX홈페이지에서 발췌한 글입니다..

Q6101001. How to deploy a WinForms Application when it contains a wrapper object using Chart FX for .NET
The information on this article applies to

Chart FX for .NET Windows Form

This article discusses how to properly license and deploy an application that contains an embedded wrapper object (e.g. Class Library, Windows Control Library, etc.) that uses Chart FX for .NET.

This article describes a procedure that could potentially breach the Chart FX for .NET License agreement (Sections 3. REDISTRIBUTABLE CODE and 4. DISTRIBUTION REQUIREMENTS). Please contact Software FX to discuss your specific needs of wrapping ChartFX for .NET and to obtain authorization to do so.

The problem is that even though the wrapper object you created has a ChartFX license that license is not inherited to the parent application or exe. In order to fix this issue you need to have the application or exe also license ChartFX even if it directly does not use ChartFX.Net.

Step by Step
1) You need to add a reference in your application's project to ChartFX.dll, ChartFX.base.dll and ChartFX.Borders.dll.

2) You will then need to create a licenses.licx file and place the following text in it.

SoftwareFX.ChartFX.Chart, ChartFX, Version=6.2.1342.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=a1878e2052c08dce

3) Add the licenses.licx file to your exe project.

Background Information
There are two possible choices when it comes to embedding the license information inside a dll:

Option A) A component that wraps other components includes the license information whiting itself. This license info contributes to the context of the program that uses the wrapper.

This option would allow a programmer to develop controls that just wrap functionality from other controls bypassing the original license. In this scenario, the licensing would be very weak as a developer could easily expose a subset of the API of the original control (or the control itself) from a wrapper control. An end user using the this wrapper control would not know that it is illegally using Chart FX for development purposes.

Option B) A component that wraps other components does not contribute to the license context of the program that is using it. In other words, in order for an executable (EXE) to use a control it must contain its license regardless of whether the control is being used directly or indirectly through a wrapper control.

This does not make building wrappers a feasible solution if you really need generic add-ins because the target EXE needs to know in advance the licenses it will need. In reality most programs would not use an unlimited number of add-ins using multiple third-party licensed controls.

Microsoft .NET uses Option B.

[최초 등록일: ]
[최종 수정일: 9/14/2005]


댓글 작성자

2005-09-14 09시42분
저 같은 경우에... UltraGrid 를 쓰면서 licenses.licx 파일을 사용해 본적이 있는데요. 정상적으로 사용이 되던데요. ^^;

참고로... 그냥 파일 추가하면 안되고, "포함리소스" 유형으로 해야 정상동작했던 것 같습니다. 지금 확인할만한 상황이 아니라 정확히는 답변 못드리지만. ^^
2005-09-28 02시59분
[장강현] ChartFX는 IE에 embedding되는 방식으로 구현된것은 동작이 안된다고 하네요~~
SoftwareFX에서 확인한겁니다..

답변 감사합니다.

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